


I have a UIImageView object that when clicked it will play a animation, I want to reuse the same code to make multiple objects. How do I set the sender tag so it knows its a different object?


- (IBAction)startClick:(id)sender;


- (IBAction)startClick:(id)sender
    //UIImageView *theButton = (UIImageView *)sender.tag;

    bubble.animationImages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
                           [UIImage imageNamed: @"Pop_1.png"],
                           [UIImage imageNamed: @"Pop_2.png"],
                           [UIImage imageNamed: @"Pop_3.png"], nil];

    [bubble setAnimationRepeatCount:1];
    bubble.animationDuration = 1;
    [bubble startAnimating];



The sender is the object that called the startClick method. You can cast that object into a UIImageView and then look at that object's tag property to determine which one it is.

您需要在代码中的其他位置设置tag属性.如果在Interface Builder中具有UIImageViews,则可以使用属性窗口输入标签号.否则,当您分配并初始化UIImageViews时,然后设置tag属性.

You'll need to set the tag property elsewhere in the code. If you have the UIImageViews in Interface Builder, you can use the properties window to enter a tag number. Otherwise, when you allocate and init your UIImageViews, set the tag property then.


08-14 09:18