

为什么有必要将GUI更新代码放在 SwingUtilities.invokeLater()

Why is it necessary to put GUI update code in SwingUtilities.invokeLater()?


Why cant it be internally taken care of by Swing itself? Why does the caller have to care about how swing handles UI updates?


Swing对象。 SwingUtilities.invokeLater()允许在稍后的某个时间点执行任务,顾名思义;但更重要的是,该任务将在AWT事件派发线程上执行。使用 invokeLater 时,任务以异步方式执行;还有 invokeAndWait ,在任务完成执行之前不会返回。

Swing objects are not thread safe. SwingUtilities.invokeLater() allows a task to be executed at some later point in time, as the name suggests; but more importantly, the task will be executed on the AWT event dispatch thread. When using invokeLater, the task is executed asynchronously; there's also invokeAndWait, which won't return until the task has finished executing.


Some information about the decision not to make Swing thread-safe can be found here: Multithreaded toolkits: A failed dream?


08-23 12:07