For a hydrologist, the Rainfall Hyetograph and Streamflow Hydrograph is commonly used. It looks like the figure below.
The X-axis represents Date and left Y-axis which is reversed represents rainfall and right Y-axis represents discharge.
I have a rainfall table and a discharge table.
####Rain Table#### ####Discharge Table####
Date Value Date Value
2000-01-01 13.2 2000-01-01 150
2000-01-02 9.5 2000-01-01 135
2000-01-03 7.3 2000-01-01 58
2000-01-04 0.2 2000-01-01 38
ggplot(rain,aes(x=DATE,y=value)) +
geom_bar(stat = 'identity')+
geom_line(data =discharge,aes(x=DATE,y=value))
But I don't know how to represent these value in two different Y-axis.
It's possible in ggplot using the sec_axis() function to display a second axis that is a transformation of the first. Since precipitation can be transformed to a volume using watershed area (or discharge transformed into a depth), it's possible to use sec_axis to make a hyetograph.
df <- read_csv("date, precip_in, discharge_cfs
2000-01-01, 13.2, 150
2000-01-02, 9.5, 135
2000-01-03, 7.3, 58
2000-01-04, 0.2, 38")
watershedArea_sqft <- 100
# Convert the precipitation to the same units as discharge. These steps will based on your units
df$precip_ft <- df$precip_in/12
df$precip_cuft <- df$precip_ft * watershedArea_sqft
# Calculate the range needed to avoid having your hyetograph and hydrograph overlap
maxRange <- 1.1*(max(df$precip_cuft) + max(df$discharge_cfs))
# Create a function to backtransform the axis labels for precipitation
precip_labels <- function(x) {(x / watershedArea_sqft) * 12}
# Plot the data
ggplot(data = df,
aes(x = date)) +
# Use geom_tile to create the inverted hyetograph. geom_tile has a bug that displays a warning message for height and width, you can ignore it.
geom_tile(aes(y = -1*(precip_cuft/2-maxRange), # y = the center point of each bar
height = precip_cuft,
width = 1),
fill = "gray50",
color = "white") +
# Plot your discharge data
geom_line(aes(y = discharge_cfs),
color = "blue") +
# Create a second axis with sec_axis() and format the labels to display the original precipitation units.
scale_y_continuous(name = "Discharge (cfs)",
sec.axis = sec_axis(trans = ~-1*(.-maxRange),
name = "Precipitation (in)",
labels = precip_labels))