

本文介绍了VirtualPath在AspNetCompiler MSBuild任务 - 它必须等于最终部署的虚拟路径?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


这是VS 2008和.NET 3.5。

This is VS 2008 and .Net 3.5.


I use a custom deployment project script which is similar to the publish right-click menu, but which I have customised to do file renaming and various other bits and pieces. It works really well and has drastically simplified the release procedure.

我意识到一个问题,对我们的生活的一个网站本周末本来pvented曾在现场被precompiled(长的故事)。$ P $

I was made aware of an issue on one of our live sites this weekend that would have been prevented had the site been precompiled (long story).

所以,我一直在玩弄注入AspNetCompiler MSBuild任务(使用PhysicalPath属性直接朝中间发布的文件夹)到部署脚本,我就'VirtualPath'选项的问题。

So I've been playing around with injecting the AspNetCompiler MSBuild Task (using the PhysicalPath attribute to direct towards the intermediate publish folder) into the deployment script and I have a question regarding the 'VirtualPath' option.


Despite the fact that the website is not in IIS at this pre-deploy stage, you are still required to provide a value for the 'VirtualPath' attribute. I have seen here that the associated -v switch on aspnet_compiler.exe uses this value in resolving '~' rooted virtual paths used throughout the site during the compilation.


So, I take this to mean that whatever you pass here must be the virtual root of the application when deployed otherwise it won't work.

不过,我已经试过了这一点,通过像/假/假'这个选项,然后改变了我的母版页中的一个,通过一个应用程序层次的网址,而不是相对于引用的CSS,它仍然工作即使部署到/网站'而不是'/ fake /假的。

However, I've tried this out, passing something like '/fake/fake' in this option and then changing one of my master pages to reference a css via an app-rooted url instead of relative, and it still worked even when deployed to a virtual path of '/site' and not '/fake/fake'.


So what's the definitive answer on this? Do I need to worry about this VirtualPath value being exactly equal to the eventual deployed location of a site in IIS? I hope not, because I don't really want my deploy project to have any knowledge of the virtual hierarchy of the target web server, in case it needs to change.



I've analyzed the code that is precompiled and it would seem that the precompiler automatically resolves the application-rooted paths to relative paths anyway, regardless of what you set the VirtualPath too. I've also tried deploying the same pre-compiled site to different virtual paths on the target server and nothing breaks.


So therefore I'm confident enough to be able to say: no it does not matter what this value is.

毫无疑问,我们不可避免要的东西我可能错过了! - 但直到我证明是错误的,我会认为我是对的。

No doubt there's bound to be something I've potentially missed - but until I'm proved wrong I'll assume I'm right!

这篇关于VirtualPath在AspNetCompiler MSBuild任务 - 它必须等于最终部署的虚拟路径?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-14 08:32