


I was taken aback earlier today when debugging some code to find that something like the following does not throw a compile-time exception:

 public Test () {
     HashMap map = (HashMap) getList();

 private List getList(){
     return new ArrayList();

您可以想象, ClassCastException 在运行时抛出,但是有人可以解释为什么将 List 转换为 HashMap 因为可以想象 getList()可能是在编译时合法的?

As you can imagine, a ClassCastException is thrown at runtime, but can someone explain why the casting of a List to a HashMap is considered legal at compile time?


返回 HashMap 的子类,它也实现了 List 。不太可能,是的,但可能的,因此可编译。

Because conceivably getList() could be returning a subclass of HashMap which also implements List. Unlikely, yes, but possible, and therefore compilable.


08-14 08:29