




In Java, whenever an inner class instance is created, it is associated with an instance of an outer class. Out of curiosity, is it possible to associate the inner class with another instance of an outer class instead?


是的,这是可能,虽然这对我来说听起来真的很糟糕。我的想法是使用反射设置否则 final 指向外部实例的指针(不能保证成功)。

Yes, this is possible, although it sounds like a really bad idea to me. The idea is to set the otherwise final pointer to the outer instance using reflection (which is not guaranteed to succeed).

import java.lang.reflect.*;

public class Me {
    final String name;

    Me(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    class InnerMe {
        String whoAreYou() {
            return name;

    InnerMe innerSelf() {
        return new InnerMe();

    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
        final Me me = new Me("Just the old me!");
        final InnerMe innerMe = me.innerSelf();
        System.out.println(innerMe.whoAreYou()); // "Just the old me!"
        Field outerThis = innerMe.getClass().getDeclaredFields()[0];
        outerThis.set(innerMe, new Me("New and improved me!"));
        System.out.println(innerMe.whoAreYou()); // "New and improved me!"


这里的关键部分是 outerThis.setAccessible(true); - a 可以强制执行禁止此功能成功的策略。

The crucial part here is outerThis.setAccessible(true); -- a SecurityManager could enforce a policy that prohibits this from succeeding.


08-14 08:26