我正在使用java 8编写代码,但我迭代 List
,然后使用类别类型查找 RestaurantOrderBook
。并将 List
放入 Map
I am writing the code using java 8 but I iterate a List
and then find RestaurantOrderBook
using category type. and put that List
into a Map
. it shows this error:
Query query = new Query();
String categ = category;
List<RestaurantOrderBook> itemList = new ArrayList<RestaurantOrderBook>();
itemList = mongoTemplate.find(query, RestaurantOrderBook.class);
System.out.println("size : " + itemList.size());
Map<String , List<RestaurantOrderBook>> map = new HashMap<String , List<RestaurantOrderBook>>();
Arrays.asList("TakeAway", "Dining").forEach(e ->{
//Following line throws error:
List<RestaurantOrderBook> list = itemList.stream().filter(a -> !a.getOrderType().isEmpty() && a.getOrderType().equals(e)).collect(Collectors.toList());
map.put(e, list);
public EventReportRewardsPoints eventReportRewardsPoints(String organizerId) {
List<Event> listOfEvents = eventRepo.findByOrganizerId(organizerId);
EventReportRewardsPoints eventTransReport = new EventReportRewardsPoints();
Integer soldTics = 0;
Double totalRevenue = 0d;
Integer soldToday = 0;
Integer findTotalAvailableTics = 0;
Integer findTotalQtytics = 0;
for (Event event : listOfEvents) {
List<EventTicket> eventTicket = eventTicketRepo.findByEventId(event.getId());
Integer sumOfAvailabletics = eventTicket.stream()
findTotalAvailableTics = findTotalAvailableTics + sumOfAvailabletics;
Integer sumOfQtytics = eventTicket.stream().mapToInt(EventTicket::getQty).sum();
findTotalQtytics = findTotalQtytics + sumOfQtytics;
List<EventTicketBook> listOfEventsTic = eventTicketBookRepository.findByEventId(event.getId());
for (EventTicketBook eventTicketBook : listOfEventsTic) {
Double sumOfSales = eventTicketBook.getTickets().stream().mapToDouble(EventTicket::getPrice).sum();
totalRevenue = totalRevenue + sumOfSales;
Date now = new Date();
System.out.println("create date : " + eventTicketBook.getCreateOn());
/*if(now.compareTo(eventTicketBook.getCreateOn()) == 0){
Integer sumOfSoldToday = eventTicketBook.getTickets().stream().mapToInt(EventTicket::getQty).sum();
soldToday = soldToday + sumOfSoldToday;
System.out.println("findTotalQtytics : " + findTotalQtytics);
System.out.println("findTotalAvailableTics : " + findTotalAvailableTics);
soldTics = findTotalQtytics - findTotalAvailableTics;
return eventTransReport;
}catch(Exception e ){
return null;
How do i achive this using lamda expression.??
您在lambda表达式中使用 itemList 。因此它必须是最终的。
You are using itemList within a lambda expression. Therefore it has to be final.
Java 8引入了有效最终的新概念,这意味着,编译器会检查所使用的变量是否为最终使用而不是强迫开发人员明确声明它为最终版。
Java 8 introduces the new concept of effectivly final, which means, the compiler checks, if a used variable is final in usage and does not force the developer to explicitly declare it as final.
So if you change your code to
final List<RestaurantOrderBook> itemList = new ArrayList<RestaurantOrderBook>();
you will see, that the compiler gives you an error at:
itemList = mongoTemplate.find(query, RestaurantOrderBook.class);
因为您正在重新分配 itemList 。这就是为什么 itemList 也没有有效的最终结果。如果你将这两行压缩到
because you are reasigning itemList. That is why itemList is not effectivly final as well. If you squash these two lines to
List<RestaurantOrderBook> itemList = mongoTemplate.find(query, RestaurantOrderBook.class);
这篇关于Java 8显示了此错误。在封闭范围内定义的局部变量itemList必须是最终的或有效的final的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!