




Sorry for the unlearned nature of this question. If there's a simple answer, just a link to an explanation will make me more than happy.


After 6 months programming I find static classes to be somewhat useful for storing routines that apply to many different classes. Here's a simplified example of how I use static classes, it's a class for parsing text into various things

public static class TextProcessor
    public static string[] GetWords(string sentence)
        return sentence.Split(' ');

    public static int CountLetters(string sentence)
        return sentence.Length;

    public static int CountWords(string sentence)
        return GetWords(sentence).Length;


    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string mysentence = "hello there stackoverflow.";
        Console.WriteLine("mysentence has {0} words in it, fascinating huh??", TextProcessor.CountWords(mysentence));



My question is: Why is it necessary to wrap these static methods in a static class?It seems to serve no purpose. Is there a way I can have these methods on their own not wrapped in a class? I know encapsulation is beneficial but I don't see the use for static methods wrapped in static class. Is there something I am missing stylistically or otherwise? Am I completely barking up a silly tree? Am I thinking too much?



In C#, any method has to be declared inside a class. That's just how the language is specified.


A static class is actually more akin to a module than a class, so I too think you should be able to either:

  • 定义一个函数在类外部;

  • 导入一个模块导入一个命名空间(与<$ C $以同样的方式C>使用)

  • define a function outside a class or;
  • import a module the same way you import a namespace (with using)


VB.NET, F# and Nemerle actually allow you to declare modules and import them; what allows you to use their methods unqualified.


This is valid Nemerle:

using System.Console; // import static methods in the Console class
class Hello {
  static Main() : void {
    WriteLine("Hello, world!"); // unqualified access!

此外,看一看的的,他们可能允许你解决这一以不同的方式。在这些方法的 TextProcessor 乞讨的是字符串扩展方法。

Also, take a look at extension methods, they might allow you to "solve" this in a different way. The methods in your TextProcessor are begging to be string extension methods.


08-14 08:02