

本文介绍了为什么C ++ 11引入了委托构造函数?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I cannot understand what the use is of delegating constructors. Simply, what cannot be achieve without having delegating constructors?


It can do something simple like this

class M
 int x, y;
 char *p;
 M(int v) : x(v), y(0), p(new char [MAX]) {}
 M(): M(0) {cout<<"delegating ctor"<<endl;}


But I don't see it is worth introduce a new feature for such a simple thing? May be I couldn't recognize the important point. Any idea?



Delegating constructors prevent code duplication (and all the possible errors and flaws that come with it : increased maintenance, decreased readability...), which is a good thing.

这也是委派初始化列表(用于成员和基础初始化)的唯一方法,即,您真的不能通过共享<$ c来替换此功能$ c> Init()方法供您的构造函数使用。

It is also the only way to delegate the initialization list (for members and bases initializations), i.e. you really can't replace this feature by having a shared Init() method for your constructors.



class X {
 X( int, W& );
 Y y_;
 Z z_;
 X( int );
 X( W& );
X::X( int i, W& e ) : y_(i), z_(e) { /*Common Init*/ }
X::X() : X( 42, 3.14 )             { SomePostInitialization(); }
X::X( int i ) : X( i, 3.14 )       { OtherPostInitialization(); }
X::X( W& w ) : X( 53, w )          { /* no post-init */ }


2) Delegation with both constructor and copy constructor, also from N1986 proposal :

class FullName {
 string firstName_;
 string middleName_;
 string lastName_;

 FullName(string firstName, string middleName, string lastName);
 FullName(string firstName, string lastName);
 FullName(const FullName& name);
FullName::FullName(string firstName, string middleName, string lastName)
 : firstName_(firstName), middleName_(middleName), lastName_(lastName)
 // ...
// delegating copy constructor
FullName::FullName(const FullName& name)
 : FullName(name.firstName_, name.middleName_, name.lastName_)
 // ...
// delegating constructor
FullName::FullName(string firstName, string lastName)
 : FullName(firstName, "", lastName)
 // ...

3) ,由构造函数执行参数验证(如前所述,这种设计值得商)):

3) MSDN gives this example, with constructors performing argument validation (as commented, this design is debatable) :

class class_c {
    int max;
    int min;
    int middle;

    class_c() {}
    class_c(int my_max) {
        max = my_max > 0 ? my_max : 10;
    class_c(int my_max, int my_min) {
        max = my_max > 0 ? my_max : 10;
        min = my_min > 0 && my_min < max ? my_min : 1;
    class_c(int my_max, int my_min, int my_middle) {
        max = my_max > 0 ? my_max : 10;
        min = my_min > 0 && my_min < max ? my_min : 1;
        middle = my_middle < max && my_middle > min ? my_middle : 5;


Thanks to constructors delegation, it reduces to :

class class_c {
    int max;
    int min;
    int middle;

    class_c(int my_max) {
        max = my_max > 0 ? my_max : 10;
    class_c(int my_max, int my_min) : class_c(my_max) {
        min = my_min > 0 && my_min < max ? my_min : 1;
    class_c(int my_max, int my_min, int my_middle) : class_c (my_max, my_min){
        middle = my_middle < max && my_middle > min ? my_middle : 5;


  • Delegating Constructors (r3) Proposal - N1986
  • Stroustrup C++ FAQ : Delegating constructors

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08-14 07:48