

本文介绍了在Java 8中对通用方法中的集合进行排序的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


  public List< Comparator< Entity>> sort(Map< String,String> map){
List< Comparator< Entity>> list = new ArrayList< Comparator< Entity>>(); (Map.Entry< String,String> entry:map.entrySet()){
boolean sortOrder = entry.getValue()。equalsIgnoreCase(asc);

list.add(sortOrder?Comparator.comparing(Entity :: getId):Comparator.comparing Entity :: getId,Comparator.reverseOrder()));
list.add(sortOrder?Comparator.comparing(Entity :: getSize):Comparator.comparing(Entity :: getSize,Comparator.reverseOrder()));
// break;


上述方法返回的列表的使用方式如下。 / p>

  // map是根据客户端与排序的交互进行初始化的。 

if(MapUtils.isNotEmpty(map)){// map = new LinkedHashMap< String,String>();

List< Comparator< Entity>>比较器=排序(地图);
比较器< Entity> comparator = comparators.remove(0); (比较器<实体> c:比较器)

比较器= comparator.thenComparing(c);

list = list.stream()。sorted(comparator).collect(Collectors.toList());
} else {
list = list.stream()。sorted(Comparator.comparing(Entity :: getId).reversed())。collect(Collectors.toList());


$ b $实体
包含两个类型为 Integer 大小的类型为 id code> BigDecimal 和 list 是一种 List< Entity>

由于有几个其他类具有相同数据类型的相同字段,我希望这个方法是通用的,因此它必须像这样定义一次, / p>

  public< T extends Object>列表与LT;比较< T>> (Map< String,String> map,Class< T> clazz){
List< Comparator< T>> list = new ArrayList< Comparator< T>>();



但是这样做,像 T :: getId因为泛型类型参数 T 的计算结果为 Object / p>



一种简单的方法,无需依赖反射魔术,就可以为所有具有相同数据类型的字段引入一个通用接口, 实体

考虑以下 IdSize 实体

 接口IdSize {
Integer getId( );
BigDecimal getSize();

类实体实现IdSize {

private Integer id;
public Integer getId(){
return id;
public BigDecimal getSize(){
return size;



  public< T extends IdSize>列表与LT;比较< T>> sort(Map< String,String> map){
List< Comparator< T>> list = new ArrayList< Comparator< T>>(); (Map.Entry< String,String> entry:map.entrySet()){
boolean sortOrder = entry.getValue()。equalsIgnoreCase(asc);
比较器< T> comparator = null;
comparator = Comparator.comparing(IdSize :: getId);
comparator = Comparator.comparing(IdSize :: getSize);

(我重构了一些switch-case语句来删除重复的代码。 )。另外,您可能需要添加一个默认子句。

The following method performs ordering.

public List<Comparator<Entity>> sort(Map<String, String> map) {
    List<Comparator<Entity>> list = new ArrayList<Comparator<Entity>>();

    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {
        boolean sortOrder = entry.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("asc");

        switch (entry.getKey()) {
            case "id":
                list.add(sortOrder ? Comparator.comparing(Entity::getId) : Comparator.comparing(Entity::getId, Comparator.reverseOrder()));
            case "size":
                list.add(sortOrder ? Comparator.comparing(Entity::getSize) : Comparator.comparing(Entity::getSize, Comparator.reverseOrder()));

    return list;

The list being returned by the above method is used in the following way.

// map is initialized somewhere based on client's interactions with sorting.
// Based on client's interactions, map may be empty or it may contain one or more ordering fields.

if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(map)) {  // map = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();

    List<Comparator<Entity>> comparators = sort(map);
    Comparator<Entity> comparator = comparators.remove(0);

    for (Comparator<Entity> c : comparators) {
        comparator = comparator.thenComparing(c);

    list = list.stream().sorted(comparator).collect(Collectors.toList());
} else {
    // This is the default ordering.
    list = list.stream().sorted(Comparator.comparing(Entity::getId).reversed()).collect(Collectors.toList());

Entity contains two fields named id of type Integer and size of type BigDecimal and list is a type of List<Entity>.

Since there are several other classes having the same fields with the same datatypes, I want this method to be generic so that it has to be defined only once like so,

public <T extends Object> List<Comparator<T>> sort(Map<String, String> map, Class<T> clazz) {
    List<Comparator<T>> list = new ArrayList<Comparator<T>>();

    // Sorting logic.

    return list;

But doing so, expressions like T::getId will not compile as obvious, since the generic type parameter T evaluates to Object.

Is there a way to code sorting without knowing the actual class type so that this method can be prevented from being repeated everywhere, when it is needed?


A simple way, without having to rely on reflection magic, is to introduce a common interface for all the types having the same fields with the same datatypes as Entity.

Consider the following IdSize interface with the following Entity.

interface IdSize {
    Integer getId();
    BigDecimal getSize();

class Entity implements IdSize {

    private Integer id;
    private BigDecimal size;
    public Integer getId() {
        return id;
    public BigDecimal getSize() {
        return size;


Then you can make your method generic like this:

public <T extends IdSize> List<Comparator<T>> sort(Map<String, String> map) {
    List<Comparator<T>> list = new ArrayList<Comparator<T>>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {
        boolean sortOrder = entry.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("asc");
        Comparator<T> comparator = null;
        switch (entry.getKey()) {
            case "id":
                comparator = Comparator.comparing(IdSize::getId);
            case "size":
                comparator = Comparator.comparing(IdSize::getSize);
            default: // do something here, throw an exception?
        list.add(sortOrder ? comparator : comparator.reversed());
    return list;

(I refactored a little the switch-case statement to remove the duplicated code.). Also, you might want to add a default clause.

这篇关于在Java 8中对通用方法中的集合进行排序的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-14 07:44