



我想创建一个二维数组,我想在其中存储数据库中的记录。所以让我们说第一个是类型为 int ,第二个是 String (这里我只描述一个记录所以基本上是db列的类型)。我该怎么做?数组是正确的数据结构吗?

I want to create a two-dimensional array in which I want to store records from the database. So lets say that the first is of type int and the second of type String (here I am describing just one record so basically types of db columns). How can I do it? Is an array the right data structure for that?


数组只能包含一种类型。如果该类型恰好是 Object ,那么它可以存储 Object 及其任何子类型,真的听起来像你想在这里完成的。

Arrays can only contain one type. If that type happens to be Object then it can store Object and any of its sub-types, but that doesn't really sound like what you're trying to accomplish here.


It sounds like what you're describing is a 2D array to store database information, with each element in the array being a column in one of the rows. This isn't an array of records, it's an array of column data.


Instead, just store a one-dimensional array of records, where each element of the array is a reference to the entire DB row.


08-14 07:33