


I've seen different code snippets using these types, but I haven't seen if they are defined in some <standard header file> or just defined in a "local header file" or even at file level.


So what Im wondering is: Is there any standard header file that defines these types? Or is there some standard definitions that everyone uses that I should copy?


I guess that a possible and common use to these types are representing coordinates, am I wrong?


Is there anything else I should think about if I want to use these to represent positions in a grid? Any reasons why or why not to use them?


澄清:int2表示一对int ,float3表示浮点数的三元组。

Clarification: int2 means a pair of ints, float3 means a triplet of floats.


If these types were predefined somewhere it would be nice to use them instead of having to write it from scratch including the standard algebraic functions (operator+, operator-, etc.).


这些类型不是标准C ++的一部分。

These types aren't a part of standard C++. They might either be defined in some third-party library, or you're looking at some other dialect or language.

GPU代码(着色器语言,如GLSL,Cg或其他语言) HLSL或GPGPU的东西,如CUDA或OpenCL)通常定义类似这样的类型,作为相应SIMD数据类型的名称。

GPU code (Shader languages such as GLSL, Cg or HLSL, or GPGPU stuff like CUDA or OpenCL) typically defines types like these though, as names for the corresponding SIMD datatypes.


08-14 07:01