

我希望我的应用能够将iPad 2的显示镜像到我的Mac。

I want my app to mirror the display of my iPad 2 to my Mac.

我已经发布了 _airplay._tcp 服务,我正在侦听端口 7100 。该应用程序显示在 AirPlay 菜单中,镜像选项也在那里。视频和音频流完美地工作。

I have published the _airplay._tcp service and am listening on the port 7100. The app shows in the AirPlay menu and the Mirroring option is also there. Video and audio streaming work perfectly.

但我不知道如何解码FairPlay加密( POST / fp-setup )支持AirPlay镜像。我参考了。如果有人知道如何做到这一点,请告诉我。

But I don't know how to decode the FairPlay encryption (POST /fp-setup) to support AirPlay mirroring. I have taken reference from http://www.aorensoftware.com/blog/2011/08/20/exploring-airplay-mirroring-internals/. If anyone has any idea on how to do that, please tell me.


查看AirServer - >他们已经完成了这和它完美无缺(几乎)..

Check out AirServer -> they've already done this and it works flawlessly (almost)..


08-14 07:00