

我一直在关注教程学习快速& iOS应用开发.在协议"部分中,教程定义了以下协议:

I have been following this tutorial to learn swift & iOS app development. In the Protocol section, the tutorial defined the following protocol:

@objc protocol Speaker {
  func Speak()
  optional func TellJoke()



Then, it shows the sample to implement the protocol:

class Vicki: Speaker {
  func Speak() {
    println("Hello, I am Vicki!")
  func TellJoke() {
    println("Q: What did Sushi A say to Sushi B?")

我在xcode游乐场中尝试了上面的代码,但是遇到了编译器错误类型Vicki不符合协议议长" .

I tried the above code in my xcode playground, but I got the compiler error "Type Vicki doesn't conform to protocol Speaker".


Xcode also pops up an fix-it text which says "Candidate is not '@objc' but protocol requires it".


I get completely confused now, the tutorial doesn't mention this error at all. Could someone please explain to me all this to make me clear? Thanks!



From what I can tell, marking your protocol as @objc means that any classes implementing it also have to be exposed to Objective-C. This can be done either by making Vicki a subclass of NSObject:

class Vicki: NSObject, Speaker {


Or by marking each implemented method as @objc:

class Vicki: Speaker {
    @objc func Speak() {
        print("Hello, I am Vicki!")
    @objc func TellJoke() {
        print("Q: What did Sushi A say to Sushi B?")

更新:从Apple的 Swift语言文档

Update: From Apple's Swift Language Documentation


还请注意,@ objc协议只能由类采用,而不能由类采用 通过结构或枚举.如果您在以下方式中将协议标记为@objc 为了指定可选要求,您将只能申请 该协议来分类类型.

Note also that @objc protocols can be adopted only by classes, and not by structures or enumerations. If you mark your protocol as @objc in order to specify optional requirements, you will only be able to apply that protocol to class types.


08-14 06:45