




The Hashable protocol in Swift requires you to implement a property called hashValue:

protocol Hashable : Equatable {
    /// Returns the hash value.  The hash value is not guaranteed to be stable
    /// across different invocations of the same program.  Do not persist the hash
    /// value across program runs.
    /// The value of `hashValue` property must be consistent with the equality
    /// comparison: if two values compare equal, they must have equal hash
    /// values.
    var hashValue: Int { get }


However, it seems there's also a similar property called hash.



hash NSObject协议,该协议对所有Objective-C对象至关重要的方法进行了分组,因此早于Swift.默认实现只是返回对象地址,如人们所见 NSObject.mm ,但是可以覆盖该属性在NSObject子类中.

hash is a required property in the NSObject protocol, which groups methods that are fundamental to all Objective-C objects, so that predates Swift.The default implementation just returns the objects address,as one can see inNSObject.mm, but one can override the propertyin NSObject subclasses.

hashValue是Swift Hashable协议的必需属性.

hashValue is a required property of the Swift Hashable protocol.

两者均通过NSObject扩展名进行连接,该扩展名在中的Swift标准库 ObjectiveC.swift :

Both are connected via a NSObject extension defined in theSwift standard library inObjectiveC.swift:

extension NSObject : Equatable, Hashable {
  /// The hash value.
  /// **Axiom:** `x == y` implies `x.hashValue == y.hashValue`
  /// - Note: the hash value is not guaranteed to be stable across
  ///   different invocations of the same program.  Do not persist the
  ///   hash value across program runs.
  open var hashValue: Int {
    return hash

public func == (lhs: NSObject, rhs: NSObject) -> Bool {
  return lhs.isEqual(rhs)

(有关open var的含义,请参见什么是开放'Swift中的关键字?.)

(For the meaning of open var, see What is the 'open' keyword in Swift?.)


So NSObject (and all subclasses) conform to the Hashableprotocol, and the default hashValue implementationreturn the hash property of the object.


A similar relationship exists between the isEqual method of theNSObject protocol, and the == operator from the Equatableprotocol: NSObject (and all subclasses) conform to the Equatableprotocol, and the default == implementationcalls the isEqual: method on the operands.


08-14 06:43