

我想知道如何在MATLAB中获得对Java 枚举或静态公共字段的引用。在MATLAB中,如果您尝试使用Java对象/方法,那么Java对象创建/方法调用/ etc等同于:

Java: new com.example.test.Foo();

MATLAB: javaObject('com.example.test foo');

Java: com.example.test.Foo.staticMethod();

MATLAB: javaMethod('staticMethod','com.example.test.Foo');

Java: SomeEnum e = com.example.test.SomeEnum.MY_FAVORITE_ENUM;


Java: int n = com.example.test.Foo。 MAX_FOO ;




  package com.example; 
public enum MyEnum {

您可以使用直接引用获取Matlab中的枚举常量。 (当然,Java类必须在Matlab的javaclasspath中。)

foo = com.example .MyEnum.FOO

import com.example.MyEnum;
foo = MyEnum.FOO
bar = MyEnum.BAR


foo = eval('com.example.MyEnum。 FOO')

如果你想要真的很喜欢,可以使用Java反射来获取枚举的常量在运行时。制作一个薄的包装器与你的其他自定义类来摆脱麻烦与Matlab的类加载器。 (没有Matlab javaClass()等效; IMHO这是一个Matlab监督。)

public class Reflector {
public static Class forName(String className)throws Exception {
return Class.forName(className);

然后你可以枚举Matlab中的常量。 p>

klass = com.example.Reflector.forName('com.example.MyEnum');
enums = klass.getEnumConstants();

I'm wondering how in MATLAB you can get a reference to a Java enum or static public field. In MATLAB, if you are trying to use Java objects/methods, there are equivalents to Java object creation / method call / etc.:

Java: new com.example.test.Foo();

MATLAB: javaObject('com.example.test.Foo');

Java: com.example.test.Foo.staticMethod();

MATLAB: javaMethod('staticMethod', 'com.example.test.Foo');

Java: SomeEnum e = com.example.test.SomeEnum.MY_FAVORITE_ENUM;

MATLAB: ?????

Java: int n = com.example.test.Foo.MAX_FOO;

MATLAB: ?????


You can reference Java enum constants from Matlab using the package.class.FIELD syntax, as with any other static Java field. Let's say you have an enum.

package com.example;
public enum MyEnum {

You can get at the enum constants in Matlab using a direct reference. (The Java classes must be in Matlab's javaclasspath, of course.)

% Static reference
foo = com.example.MyEnum.FOO

% Import it if you want to omit the package name
import com.example.MyEnum;
foo = MyEnum.FOO
bar = MyEnum.BAR

If you want a "dynamic" reference determined at runtime, you can just build a string containing the equivalent static reference and pass it to eval(). This works on almost any Matlab code.

% Dynamic reference
foo = eval('com.example.MyEnum.FOO')

And if you want to get really fancy, you can use Java reflection to get at all the enumerated constants at run time. Make a thin wrapper to put with your other custom classes to get around quirks with Matlab's classloader. (There's no Matlab javaClass() equivalent; IMHO this is a Matlab oversight.)

//In Java
package com.example;
public class Reflector {
    public static Class forName(String className) throws Exception {
        return Class.forName(className);

Then you can enumerate the constants in Matlab.

% Constant enumeration using reflection
klass = com.example.Reflector.forName('com.example.MyEnum');
enums = klass.getEnumConstants();


08-18 18:40