


I have a situation where I need to enforce and give the user the option of one of a number of select functions, to be passed in as an argument to another function:


I really want to achieve something like the following:

from enum import Enum

#Trivial Function 1
def functionA():

#Trivial Function 2
def functionB():

#This is not allowed (as far as i can tell the values should be integers)
#But pseudocode for what I am after
class AvailableFunctions(Enum):
    OptionA = functionA
    OptionB = functionB


So the following can be executed:

def myUserFunction(theFunction = AvailableFunctions.OptionA):
   #Type Check
   assert isinstance(theFunction,AvailableFunctions)

   #Execute the actual function held as value in the enum or equivalent
   return theFunction.value()



Your assumption is wrong. Values can be arbitrary, they are not limited to integers. From the documentation:


However the issue with functions is that they are considered to be method definitions instead of attributes!

In [1]: from enum import Enum

In [2]: def f(self, *args):
   ...:     pass

In [3]: class MyEnum(Enum):
   ...:     a = f
   ...:     def b(self, *args):
   ...:         print(self, args)

In [4]: list(MyEnum)  # it has no values
Out[4]: []

In [5]: MyEnum.a
Out[5]: <function __main__.f>

In [6]: MyEnum.b
Out[6]: <function __main__.MyEnum.b>

您可以通过使用包装类或仅使用 functools.partial解决此问题。 或(仅在Python2中) staticmethod

You can work around this by using a wrapper class or just functools.partial or (only in Python2) staticmethod:

from functools import partial

class MyEnum(Enum):
    OptionA = partial(functionA)
    OptionB = staticmethod(functionB)


In [7]: from functools import partial

In [8]: class MyEnum2(Enum):
   ...:     a = partial(f)
   ...:     def b(self, *args):
   ...:         print(self, args)

In [9]: list(MyEnum2)
Out[9]: [<MyEnum2.a: functools.partial(<function f at 0x7f4130f9aae8>)>]

In [10]: MyEnum2.a
Out[10]: <MyEnum2.a: functools.partial(<function f at 0x7f4130f9aae8>)>


In [13]: class Wrapper:
    ...:     def __init__(self, f):
    ...:         self.f = f
    ...:     def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    ...:         return self.f(*args, **kwargs)

In [14]: class MyEnum3(Enum):
    ...:     a = Wrapper(f)

In [15]: list(MyEnum3)
Out[15]: [<MyEnum3.a: <__main__.Wrapper object at 0x7f413075b358>>]

还请注意,如果需要,可以在枚举类中定义 __ call __ 方法使值可调用:

In [1]: from enum import Enum

In [2]: def f(*args):
   ...:     print(args)

In [3]: class MyEnum(Enum):
   ...:     a = partial(f)
   ...:     def __call__(self, *args):
   ...:         self.value(*args)

In [5]: MyEnum.a(1,2,3)   # no need for MyEnum.a.value(1,2,3)
(1, 2, 3)


08-14 06:04