

StringWrapper1StringWrapper2是包裹字符串的两种类型(即newtype StringWrapper1 = StringWrapper1 Stringnewtype StringWrapper2 = StringWrapper2).

Let StringWrapper1 and StringWrapper2 be two types that wrap over a string (i.e. newtype StringWrapper1 = StringWrapper1 String and newtype StringWrapper2 = StringWrapper2).


Now suppose we're trying to craft a function from StringWrapper1 to StringWrapper2.

funcWrapper :: StringWrapper1 -> StringWrapper2


On the one hand, we want to be explicit that what we're passing into this function is a StringWrapper1, so we don't want merely treat StringWrapper1 as a type synonym for String (that leads to bugs, as my own experience can attest). On the other hand, when conceptually building the function, we are still somehow thinking in terms of Strings. What we want to do then is to first build func which doesn't us to constantly wrap and unwrap types:

func :: String -> String


funcWrapper :: StringWrapper1 -> StringWrapper2
funcWrapper (StringWrapper1 str) = StringWrapper2 (func str)

问题/问题:这是惯用法吗?经常用funcfuncWrapper复制每个函数似乎很尴尬. Haskell是否提供其他我想念的方式?还是应该只使用类型同义词?

Problem/Question: Is this idiomatic? It seems awkward to constantly be duplicating every function with a func and a funcWrapper. Does Haskell provide some other way of doing this that I'm missing? Or should I just use type synonyms?


正如其他人所说,您应该确保这确实是您想要做的(请参阅leftaboutabout的注释).如果是这样,您可以使用标准中的 coerce以在具有相同运行时表示形式的类型之间进行转换:

As others have said, you should make sure this is really what you want to do (see leftaroundabout's comment). If it is, you can use coerce from the standard library to convert between types that have the same runtime representation:

func :: String -> String
func = ...


funcWrapper :: StringWrapper1 -> StringWrapper2
funcWrapper = coerce func


08-14 05:59