


I have what could possibly be a dumb question, but I'm just not understanding my book's explanation for it.


It says "When the compiler sees the definition of a template, it does not generate code. It generates code only when we instantiate a specific instance of the template. The fact that code is generated only when we use a template (and not when we define it) affects how we organize our source code and when errors are detected...To generate an instantiation, the compiler needs to have the code that defines a function template or class template member function. As a result, unlike non-template code, headers for templates typically include definitions as well as declarations."

生成代码到底是什么意思?我想我从来没有真正考虑过编译器是什么,并不真正了解它,所以我不知道什么是不同的,当你编译模板函数或类比非模板的时候。 p>

What exactly does it mean by "generate code"? I guess I've never really thought about what is going on with the compiler and don't really know much about it, so I'm not understanding what is different when you compile template functions or classes compared to non-template ones


编译器 生成 模板中给定的特定类型的代码类实例化。

The compiler generates the code for the specific types given in the template class instantiation.


If you have for instance a template class declaration as

template<typename T>
class Foo
     T& bar()
         return subject;
     T subject;
Foo<int> fooInt;
Foo<double> fooDouble;

这些将有效地生成 代码,因为你会定义类

these will effectively generate the same linkable code as you would have defined classes like

class FooInt
     int& bar()
         return subject;
     int subject;

class FooDouble
     double& bar()
         return subject;
     double subject;


FooInt fooInt;
FooDouble fooDouble;



Regarding the point that template definitions (don't confuse with declarations regardless of templates) need to be seen with the header (included) files, it's pretty clear why:
The compiler can't generate this code without seeing the definition. It can refer to a matching instantiation that appeared first at linking stage though.


非模板类/成员/函数的声明为链接器提供了一个预定义的入口点。该定义可以从编译目标文件中看到的单个实现中绘制(== .cpp == )。


The declaration of a non-template class/member/function gives a predefined entry point for the linker. The definition can be drawn from a single implementation seen in a compiled object file (== .cpp == compilation unit).
In contrast the declaration of a templated class/member/function might be instantiated from arbitrary compilation units given the same or varying template parameters. The definition for these template parameters need's to be seen at least once. It can be either generic or specialized.


Note that you can specialize template implementations for particular types anyway (included with the header or at a specific compilation unit).If you would provide a specialization for your template class in one of your compilation units, and don't use your template class with types other than specialized, that also should suffice for linking it all together.


I hope this sample helps clarifying what's the difference and efforts done from the compiler.


08-24 07:55