



我想在我的Jave EE 7应用程序中使用 OmniFaces 1.7.我的应用程序是一个EAR,其中包含JAR和瘦的WAR .我的某些JAR依赖于OmniFaces,因此OmniFaces工件必须位于EAR中,而不能位于WAR中的WEB-INF/lib中.

I want to use OmniFaces 1.7 in my Jave EE 7 application. My application is an EAR that contains JARs and a skinny WAR. Some of my JARs have a dependency to OmniFaces, so the OmniFaces artifact must be in the EAR but not in WEB-INF/lib in the WAR.


Here is how my EAR looks like:

 +-- lib
 |    +-- [some 3rd party JARs]
 |    `-- omnifaces.jar
 +-- myEJBs.jar
 `-- myWAR.war

当我这样说时,OmniFaces转换器(例如 GenericEnumConverter )不是在JSF上注册,将无法正常工作.在此处中讨论了其原因, 此处.基本上根据 JSF 2.0规范( 11.5.1节用于扫描注释类的),仅扫描WARs WEB-INF/lib目录.

When I put it this way, OmniFaces converters (like GenericEnumConverter) are not registered with JSF and won't work. The reason for this is discussed here and here. Basically according to the JSF 2.0 Spec (section 11.5.1 Requirements for scanning of classes for annotations), only the WARs WEB-INF/lib directory is scanned.

所以我的问题是:我应如何在应用程序中包括OmniFaces ?

包括两次(在EAR/lib和WARs WEB-INF/lib中)可能可行,但感觉很笨拙.我前段时间使用RichFaces 4.3.5(相同的问题)尝试了一下,该问题不起作用,但导致了IllegalArgumentException: duplicate key: class javax.faces.convert.ByteConverter.

Including it twice (in EAR/lib and WARs WEB-INF/lib) could possibly work but feels clumsy. I tried it some time ago with RichFaces 4.3.5 (same problem) which didn't work but led to IllegalArgumentException: duplicate key: class javax.faces.convert.ByteConverter.


OmniFaces是一个JSF实用程序库,它依赖于JSF,EL和Servlet API,这些API通常仅在WAR内部可用,而在EAR中不可用.更重要的是,您的EJB(通常是业务服务)不应依赖于特定的前端API,例如JSF,EL和Servlet API.这将使它们无法在其他前端(如JAX-RS,Spring MVC等)上重用.

OmniFaces is a JSF utility library with dependencies on JSF, EL and Servlet APIs, which are normally only available inside a WAR, not an EAR. Even more, your EJBs (business services in general) are not supposed to have any dependencies on specific front-end APIs such as JSF, EL and Servlet APIs. It would make them unreusable on other front-ends such as JAX-RS, Spring MVC, etc.


You need to put JSF utility and component libraries such as OmniFaces and PrimeFaces in WAR, not in EAR. See also Installation section of OmniFaces homepage:


08-14 04:59