

我正在从康拉德·巴尔斯基(Conrad Barski)的书《 Lisp的土地》中学习Lisp.现在我打了我的第一个绊脚石,作者说:

I am learning Lisp from the book "The Land of Lisp" by Conrad Barski. Now I have hit my first stumbling block, where the author says:


after showing the following example function to count the items in a list:

(defun my-length (list)
  (if list
    (1+ (my-length (cdr list)))

当我使用包含一百万个项目的列表调用此函数my-length时,出现堆栈溢出错误.因此,或者您永远都不会期望在Lisp中拥有如此长的列表(因此,也许我的用例是没有用的),或者还有另一种方法来计算如此长的列表中的项目.您能否对此有所启发? (顺便说一下,我正在Windows上使用GNU CLISP.)

When I call this function my-length with a list containing a million items, I get a stack overflow error. So either you never expect to have a list that long in Lisp (so maybe my use case is useless) or there is another way to count items in such a long list. Can you maybe shine some light on this? (I am using GNU CLISP on Windows, by the way).



Creating recursive functions to operate on recursive datastructures is indeed good for in lisp. And a list (in lisp) is defined as a recursive datastructure, so you should be ok.

但是,正如您所经历的那样,如果使用递归遍历一百万个数据项的深度,也会在堆栈上分配一百万个帧,并且除非您特别要求运行时环境分配大量的数据,否则可能会出现堆栈溢出堆栈空间(我不知道您是否或如何在gnu clisp中执行此操作...).

However, as you have experienced, if traversing a datastructure a million items deep using recursion, will also allocate a million frames on the stack, and you can expect a stack overflow unless you specifically ask your runtime environment to allocate huge amount of stack-space (I have no idea if or how you could do this in gnu clisp...).


First of all, I think this shows that the list-datastructure isn't really a the best for everything, and in this case another structure might be better (however, you might not have come to vectors in your lisp-book yet ;-)

另一件事是,要使大型递归有效,编译器应优化尾递归并将其转换为迭代.我不知道clisp是否具有此功能,但是您需要将功能更改为实际上是可优化的. (如果尾递归优化"没有意义,请让我知道,我可以找出一些参考文献)

Another thing is that for large recursions such as this to be effective, the compiler should optimise tail recursions and convert them into iterations. I don't know if clisp has this functionality, but you would need to change your function to actually be optimisable. (If "tail recursion optimisation" makes no sense, please let me know and I can dig up some references)


For other ways of iterating, take a look at:

  • http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/c_iterat.htm
  • http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/06_a.htm



09-05 08:00