

我有.net core 2.1项目.还有我的存储库类,如下所示.但是由于MyDbContext构造函数具有参数,因此出现如下错误.当我删除JwtHelper参数时,它运行良好. 但是,我需要在MyDbContext.cs中添加JwtHelper来记录审核.如何实现这一目标?

I have .net core 2.1 project. And my repository classes like below. But because of MyDbContext constructor has parameter, I'm getting error like below. When I remove JwtHelper parametrer, it is working perfectly. But, I need adding JwtHelper in MyDbContext.cs for logging auditings. How can I achieve this?


public class UnitOfWork<TContext> : IUnitOfWork<TContext> where TContext : DbContext, new()
    protected readonly DbContext DataContext;

    public UnitOfWork()
        DataContext = new TContext();

    public virtual async Task<int> CompleteAsync()
        return await DataContext.SaveChangesAsync();

    public void Dispose()


public interface IUnitOfWork<U> where U : DbContext
    Task<int> CompleteAsync();


public class MyRepos : UnitOfWork<MyDbContext>, IMyRepos
    private IUserRepository userRepo;
    public IUserRepository UserRepo { get { return userRepo ?? (userRepo = new UserRepository(DataContext)); } }


public interface IMyRepos : IUnitOfWork<MyDbContext>
  IUserRepository UserRepo { get; }


public class MyDbContext : DbContext
    private readonly IJwtHelper jwtHelper;

    public MyDbContext(IJwtHelper jwtHelper) : base()
        this.jwtHelper= jwtHelper;

    public override async Task<int> SaveChangesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
        var userId=jwtHelper.GetUserId();
        return (await base.SaveChangesAsync(true, cancellationToken));


public class UserRepository : Repository<User>, IUserRepository
    private readonly MyDbContext_context;

    public UserRepository(DbContext context) : base(context)
        _context = _context ?? (MyDbContext)context;


public interface IUserRepository : IRepository<User>
{ }


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddTransient<IJwtHelper, JwtHelper>();
    services.AddScoped<DbContext, MyDbContext>();
    services.AddTransient<IMyRepos, MyRepos>();



The problem is in the constructor of your UnitOfWork:

public UnitOfWork()
    DataContext = new TContext();


Here you construct a new object of class MyDbContext using a default constructor, but MyDbContext does not have a default constructor.


You decided to make your UnitOfWork very generic. That is great, because this enables you to use our UnitOfWork with all kinds of DbContexts. The only limitation you told your UnitOfWork is that your DbContext should have a default constructor.


A good method would be to create the factory yourself and pass it to the UnitOfWork.


If you don't want, or can't give MyDbContext a default constructor, consider telling your UnitOfWork how it can create one: "Hey unit of work, if you need to create the DbContext that I want you to use, use this function"



Step 1: Create a class, with a function Create(), that will create exactly the DbContext that you want to use.

interface IDbContextFactory<TContext>
   where TContext : DbContext
    DbContext Create();

// The MyDbContextFactory is a factory that upon request will create one MyDbcontext object
// passing the JwtHelper in the constructor of MyDbContext
class MyDbContextFactory : IDbContextFactory<MyDbContext>
      public IJwthHelper JwtHelper {get; set;}

      public MyDbContext Create()
           return new MyDbContext(this.JwtHelper);

      DbContext IDbContextFactory<HsysDbContext>.Create()
           throw new NotImplementedException();


Step 2: tell your UnitOfWork how it should create the DbContext.

public class UnitOfWork<TContext> : IUnitOfWork<TContext> where TContext : DbContext
    public static IDbContextFactory<TContext> DbContextFactory {get; set;}
    protected readonly DbContext DataContext;

    public UnitOfWork()
        this.DataContext = dbContextFactory.Create();

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // create a factory that creates MyDbContexts, with a specific JwtHelper
    IJwtHelper jwtHelper = ...
    var factory = new MyDbContextFactory
         JwtHelper = jwtHelper,

    // Tell the UnitOfWork class that whenever it has to create a MyDbContext
    // it should use this factory
    UnitOfWork<MyDbContext>.DbContextFactory = factory;

    ... // etc


From now on, whenever a UnitOfWork<MyDbContext> object is constructed,using the default constructor, this constructor will order the factory to create a new MyDbContext.


You don't really have to implement an interface. All that your UnitOfWork needs to know is how to create a DbContext.


Instead of an interface, you could pass it a Func:

public class UnitOfWork<TContext> : IUnitOfWork<TContext> where TContext : DbContext
    // use this function to create a DbContext:
    public static Func<TContext> CreateDbContextFunction {get; set;}
    protected readonly DbContext DataContext;

    public UnitOfWork()
        // call the CreateDbContextFunction. It will create a fresh DbContext for you:
        this.DataContext = CreateDbContextFunction();

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // create a factory that creates MyDbContexts, with a specific JwtHelper
    IJwtHelper jwtHelper = ...
    var factory = new MyDbContextFactory
         JwtHelper = jwtHelper,

    // Tell the UnitOfWork class that whenever it has to create a MyDbContext
    // it should use this factory

    UnitOfWork<MyDbContext>.CreateDbContextFunction = () => factory.Create();


最后一条语句中的() => factory.Create();部分称为lambda表达式.这意味着:创建一个没有输入参数(即()部分)和等于factory.Create()的双精度返回值的函数.

The part: () => factory.Create(); in the last statement is called a lambda expression. It means: create a function without input parameters (that is the () part) and a double return value equal to factory.Create().


Similarly if you need to create a lambda expression that represents a function with input parameter a Rectangle and as output the surface of the rectangle:

Func<Rectangle, double> myFunc = (rectangle) => rectangle.X * rectangle.Y;


In words: myFunc is a function that has a Rectangle as input, and a double as output. The function is like:

double MyFunc (Rectangle rectangle)
    return rectangle.X * rectangle.Y;


Func<Rectangle, double> calcSurface = (rectangle) => rectangle.X * rectangle.Y;
Rectangle r = ...;
double surface = calcSurface(r);


Similarly, a lambda expression that represents a function with two input parameters and one output parameter:

Func<double, double, Rectangle> createRectangle =
    (width, height) => new Rectangle {Width = width, Height = height};


The last parameter of Func<..., ..., ..., x> is always the return value


And for completeness: a method with a void return is called an Action:

Action(Rectangle) displayRectangle = (r) => this.Form.DrawRectangle(r);


08-14 04:38