

比较器函数 ascending 接受两个参数 - ab.它必须返回一个比较两者的整数.

A comparator function ascending accepts two arguments - a and b. It must return an integer comparing the two.


I have a list that I want to sort by name, so I wrote the following functions.

我可以使用函数式惯用语来组合这两个函数,而不是让 byName 负责组合生成的函数吗?

Is there a functional idiom I can use to combine these two functions, rather than having byName take responsibility for composing the resulting function?

const ascending = (a, b) => a.localeCompare(b);
const byName = (i) => i.get('name');
const useTogether = (...fns) => ...; // is there an idiomatic function like this?

// usage


我不确定它是否满足您的要求,但这里是您的 useTogether(与一个有点不同的签名)确实有效.我不知道具有这种效果的标准函数.

I'm not sure if it satisfies what you're looking for, but here is one possible formulation of your useTogether (with a somewhat different signature) that does WORK. I'm not aware of a standard function with precisely that effect.

const ascending = (a, b) => a.localeCompare(b);
const byName = (i) => i['name'];
const useTogether = (selector, consumer) => (...fnArgs) => consumer(...fnArgs.map(selector));

var items = [{ name: "C" }, { name: "A" }, { name: "B" }];

  items.sort(useTogether(byName, ascending))


08-14 04:36