



作为分析师,UML架构师,项目负责人等进行软件开发,并且必须以"老式方式"来执行需求,文档和原型。多年来我看到了Expression的价值,特别是Blend + Sketchflow的原型。 

Being in software development as an analyst, UML architect, project lead, etc, and having to do requirements, documentation, and prototypes the "old fashioned way" for many years I see the value of Expression, especially the prototyping of Blend+ Sketchflow.  I have been looking at other prototyping software and have dowloaded several different trials doing research to include Axure, Irise, etc.

我为一家银行开发了一个小型测试项目Sketchflow,但绑定数据功能以及将文本或数据从一个页面传输到另一个页面的能力似乎正在逃避我。 即使是初始登录页面上的简单内容,用户只需输入
的名称,然后在第2页的欢迎屏幕上显示带有"欢迎光临人民银行"的输入名称。 (在此处插入用户名)!  "

I have developed a small test project for a bank in Sketchflow, but the binding data functionality and the ability to transfer text or data from one page to another seems to be escaping me.  Even something simple like on an initial login page have user input their name, then on the page 2, the welcome screen, display the inputed name with a "Welcome to Peoples Bank  (insert username here) !  "

是否有其他我错过的培训视频或其他线程解释这样的事情? 在Irise中,通过使用剪贴板并在视觉上看到从文本框到剪辑板的一行,到

Is there another training video that I have missed or another thread out there that explains things like this?  In Irise it seems to be very simple, by using a clipboard and visually seeing a line from the textbox to the clipboad, to the location you want it on the next page.


I am not seeing this simplicity, or am missing it somewhere.




In brief, use DataStore feature of Blend:


Please let me know if you have further question.


08-14 04:35