I often use this statement for extending class without needs of writing a whole separate file. Supposing ClassFromFramework is a class being part of a framework included in library.
public ClassFromFramework {
public String myMethod() {
// operations
//lot of other methods....
Then in my class I could do the following:
import com.framework.ClassFromFramework;
public MyClass {
public void method() {
ClassFromFramework m = new ClassFromFramework() {
public String myMethod() {
// do operations...
我想知道是否可以使用Objective-c达到相同的效果而无需声明新的.h .m文件组合并导入我的using类.
I wonder if I can achieve the same with Objective-c without declaring a new combination .h .m files and import in my using class.
您可以创建一个新的子类并覆盖方法,但是所有新类都必须位于自己的.h&中. .m文件.这就是Obj-C的运作方式.在这种情况下,拥有其他文件将是有意义的.
You can make a new subclass, and override methods, but all new classes must be in their own .h & .m files. That's how Obj-C operates. In this case, it would make sense to have the additional files.
You can also call the parent method with the word super. This is done all the time when subclassing a ViewController, such as in viewDidLoad.