I am trying to mock a 3rd party library in a test in my go code. But I cannot compile the approach that I have taken. Is there any way to make this work, or another approach I can take if I want to mock the result of T2.M2?package mainimport ( "fmt")// Two types in a library that I dont have control overtype T1 struct {}func (T1) M1() T2 { return T2{}}type T2 struct {}func (T2) M2() { fmt.Println("hello world")}// I created these interfaces in order to assign an instance of T1// to a variable of type I1 so that I can mock the behavior of T2.M2()// problem is that this doesn't compile.type I1 interface { M1() I2}type I2 interface { M2() // I want to mock this method}// Then I would be able to create a mocktype Mock1 struct {}func (Mock1) M1() I2 { return Mock2{}}type Mock2 struct {}func (Mock2) M2() { fmt.Println("HELLO WORLD")}func main() { var i1 I1 i1 = T1{} i1.M1().M2() i1 = Mock1{} i1.M1().M2()}https://play.golang.org/p/sv-Uuuke1dr 解决方案 Wrap your dependency in structs embedding dependent types:// answer wrap your dependencytype Ta1 struct { T1}func (Ta1) M1() I2 { return Ta2{}}type Ta2 struct { T2}Then it will work:func main() { var i1 I1 i1 = Ta1{} i1.M1().M2() i1 = Mock1{} i1.M1().M2()}Try on https://play.golang.org/p/aHr78dY_c9a 这篇关于我可以使用嵌套接口模拟出库代码吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-14 03:40