




The DebuggerStepThrough attribute allows you to skip breaking into certain methods/classes/properties.

在它阐明了C#编译器不会继承该属性为生成的的IEnumerable<编译器; T> 的实施。

In DebuggerStepThrough being ignored it is clarified that the c# compiler does not inherit this attribute into the compiler generated IEnumerable<T> implementation.


A trivial example of such a failure is:

static void Main(string[] args)
    var a = SkipMe().ToList();

static IEnumerable<int> SkipMe()
    // comment out line below and the throw will be stepped over.
    yield return 1;
    throw new Exception();

有没有办法让C#编译器添加 DebuggerStepThrough 属性自动生成的类型?

Is there a way to get the C# compiler to add the DebuggerStepThrough attribute to the auto generated type?

有没有办法让视觉工作室跳过调试到任何类型的 [编译器生成] 属性?

Is there a way to get visual studio to skip debugging into any types with the [CompilerGenerated] attribute?



Addendum: some illustrative screenshots

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I don't think there is a way to achieve the effect you're looking for.

  • 有没有办法让C#编译器复制这个属性到生成状态机的方法。

  • 您不能解决此加入 DebuggerStepThrough 含有迭代器方法的类获得。调试器仅着眼于眼前的父类型不包含嵌套类型的类型。

  • There is no way to make the C# compiler copy this attribute into the generate state machine method.
  • You can't get around this by adding DebuggerStepThrough to the class containing the iterator method. The debugger only looks at the immediate parent type not the types containing a nested type.


The only real way I can think of to achieve this is to put all of the code you don't want to debug into in a separate DLL. Then don't load the PDB for that particular DLL.


08-14 03:34