我有许多 unicode 格式的字符串,例如 carbonpolymers—III\n12-Géotechnique\n 以及更多具有许多不同 unicode 字符的字符串,位于名为 txtWords.
I have many strings in unicode format such as carbon copolymers—III\n12- Géotechnique\n and many more having many different unicode characters, in a string variable named txtWords.
我的目标是删除所有非 ASCII 字符同时保持字符串的一致性.例如,我想将第一句变成 carbonpolymers III 或 carbonpolymers iii(这里不区分大小写),第二句变成 geotechnique\n 等等...
My goal is to remove all non-ASCII characters while preserving the consistency of the strings. For instance I want to first sentence turn into carbon copolymers III or carbon copolymers iii (no case-sensitivity here) and the second one to geotechnique\n and so on ...
Currently I am using the following code but it doesn't help me achieve what I expect. The current code changes carbon copolymers III to carbon copolymersiii which is definitely not what it should be:
import unicodedata, re
txtWords = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', txtWords.lower()).encode('ascii','ignore')
txtWords = re.sub(r'[^a-z^\n]',r' ',txtWords)
If I use the regex code first then I get something worse (in terms of what I expect):
import unicodedata, re
txtWords = re.sub(r'[^a-z^\n]',r' ',txtWords)
txtWords = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', txtWords.lower()).encode('ascii','ignore')
这样,对于字符串 Géotechnique\n 我得到 otechnique!
This way, for the string Géotechnique\n I get otechnique!
How can I resolve this issue?
使用 \w
Use the \w
regular expression to strip non-alphanumerics before the decomposing trick:
from __future__ import unicode_literals,print_function
import unicodedata as ud
import re
txtWords = 'carbon copolymers—III\n12- Géotechnique\n'
txtWords = re.sub(r'[^\w\n]',r' ',txtWords.lower(),flags=re.U)
txtWords = ud.normalize('NFKD',txtWords).encode('ascii','ignore').decode()
输出(Python 2 和 3):
Output (Python 2 and 3):
carbon copolymers iii
12 geotechnique