


Ok so I'm a Java guy starting to use C# and I was coding and started making a generic method and what I wrote runs and compiles but it goes against everything I know about how generics should work so I'm hoping someone can explain this to me:


So I have a generic method defined as follows:

public static List<T> CopyAsList<T>(IEnumerable<T> list, Object lockObject)
    if (list != null)
        lock (lockObject)
            return new List<T>(list);
    return null;

但奇怪的事情对我来说,我可以调用这个通用的方法,而没有指定 T ,它会工作:

List<String> strings = new List<string>() { "a", "b", "c"};
List<int> ints = new List<int>() { 1,2,3};
object lockObject = new object();

foreach (string s in CopyAsList(strings, lockObject))

foreach (int i in CopyAsList(ints, lockObject))


How is it the code is able to compile without ever specifying the generic type? Does C# infer the type at runtime?


没有,推断在编译时 - 在泛型类型参数的的IEnumerable&LT; T&GT; 您供应的情况下,这被称为在编译时。一般的说,家居关于泛型和类型参数被指定在编译时。如果有任何形式的不匹配,编译器的抱怨,你的code将无法编译。

No, it is inferred at compile time - the generic type parameter in the IEnumerable<T> you supply is used, which is known at compile time. Generally put, everything concerning generics and type parameters is specified at compile time. If there is mismatch of any kind, the compiler will complain and your code won't compile.


There are edge cases where you have to specify the types explicitly, these only occurs in rare circumstances with overloaded methods, sometimes with multiple combinations of type parameters.


08-14 03:10