我想在uitableviewcontroller或屏幕底部的uicollectionviewcontroller中添加admob。因此,我必须在uitableview控制器或uicolleectionview控制器的底部添加uiView(GAD BannerView)。那我该怎么做呢?
I want to add admob in uitableviewcontroller or in uicollectionviewcontroller at the bottom of screen. So for that I have to add uiView (GAD BannerView) at the bottom of uitableview controller or uicolleectionview controller. So how can I do this?Actually we can add uiview easily in uiviewcontroller but how can I add this in uitableviewcontroller or uicollectionviewcontroller?
是的你也可以在 UITableView
或 UICollectionView
中添加Ad Mob。 UITableViewController
Yeah you can also add Ad Mob in UITableView
or UICollectionView
have a one property toolbar. You can add AdMob to Toolbar
as below.
[self.navigationController setToolbarHidden:NO];
self.banner = [[GADBannerView alloc] initWithAdSize:kGADAdSizeBanner];
self.banner.adUnitID = @"ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXX";
self.banner.rootViewController = self;
[self.navigationController.toolbar addSubview:self.banner];
GADRequest *request;
[self.banner loadRequest:request];