




I am trying to crop out the printer marks that are at the edges of a PDF.


The path i want to take to solve this problem is as follows:Convert PDF into a bitmap and then traverse the bitmap and try to find the lines, then once the lines are found, find the coordinates of the edges of these lines, set the cropping coordinates to the coordinates just found.


However the problems that pop up in my mind with this approach is how to know when the lines end and the actual page starts. How to differentiate lines from letters.


How do I overcome these hurdles, or is there a better way to crop out the printer marks from a PDF?



There is no general answer that works for ALL PDF files, however there are a few useful strategies that are implemented by existing solutions for graphics arts such as callas pdfToolbox (watch it, I'm associated with this product) or PitStop. The strategies center around a number of facts:

  • 修剪和出血标记通常是简单的线条(虽然薄矩形有时也同样使用)。他们是短而直(水平或垂直)。

  • trim and bleed marks are usually simple lines (though thin rectangles are sometimes used as well). They are short and straight (horizontal or vertical).

这些标记通常是在特定的颜色绘制。任一的CMYK的颜色设置为100%,100%,100%,100%或 - 更常见 - 一个特殊的专色称为所有。你几乎可以保证这一点,因为这些标志必须出现在每一个印刷分离(抱歉技术印刷术语,如果你不熟悉它们)。

These marks are usually drawn in specific colours. Either CMYK with the color set to 100%, 100%, 100%, 100% or - more commonly - a special spot color called "All". You're almost guaranteed of this because these marks need to show up on every printed separation (sorry for the technical printing terms if you're not familiar with them).

这些标记通常是对称镜像。你不是在寻找一个标志 - 你正在寻找一组人,这通常与认识有很大帮助。但是当心,你没有不把绝对精确标记坏的应用相混淆。

These marks normally are mirrored symmetrically. You're not looking for a single mark - you're looking for a set of them and this typically helps with recognition a lot. Watch out however that you're not confused by bad applications which don't place marks with absolute accuracy.


Lastly but perhaps not important in your application, different regions can actually work with different types of marks. Japanese trim and bleed marks for example look completely different than European or US marks.


08-14 02:38