本文介绍了添加 css 类以使用 @Html.DropDownList() 进行选择的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在做 webforms 多年后正在构建我的第一个 MVC 应用程序,但由于某种原因我无法完成这项工作:

I'm building my first MVC application after years of doing webforms, and for some reason I am not able to make this work:

@Html.DropDownList("PriorityID", String.Empty, new {@class="textbox"} )


System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper' 不包含 DropDownList 的定义和最佳扩展方法重载 System.Web.Mvc.Html.SelectExtensions.DropDownList(System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper, string, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, object) 有一些无效的参数

System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper<SPDR.Models.Bug>' does not contain a definition for DropDownList and the best extension method overload System.Web.Mvc.Html.SelectExtensions.DropDownList(System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper, string, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Web.Mvc.SelectListItem>, object) has some invalid arguments



看着控制器,并更多地了解 MVC 的实际工作原理,我能够理解这一点.

Looking at the controller, and learing a bit more about how MVC actually works, I was able to make sense of this.


My view was one of the auto-generated ones, and contained this line of code:

@Html.DropDownList("PriorityID", string.Empty)

要添加 html 属性,我需要做这样的事情:

To add html attributes, I needed to do something like this:

@Html.DropDownList("PriorityID", (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.PriorityID, new { @class="dropdown" })

再次感谢@Laurent 的帮助,我意识到问题并没有想象的那么清楚......

Thanks again to @Laurent for your help, I realise the question wasn't as clear as it could have been...


这样做的更好方法是使用 DropDownListFor 在可能的情况下,这样您就不会依赖于名称属性的魔法字符串

A better way of doing this would be to use DropDownListFor where possible, that way you don't rely on a magic string for the name attribute

@Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.PriorityID, (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.PriorityID, new { @class = "dropdown" })

这篇关于添加 css 类以使用 @Html.DropDownList() 进行选择的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-14 02:35