



我有一个Material UI选择框,当它们最初是选择的选项时,它们不应用选择.我创建了一个

I have a Material UI select box that is not applying the selections when they are initially selected options.I've created a Code Sandbox where you can see that the first two options that are initially specified are not selected in the select field, which produces a duplicate selection if any of those is selected again.
But everything works fine if the selectedOptions variable is initially initialized as an empty array [].
Is there any way to fix this without changing the type of the availableOptions to an array of strings?

import React, { Component } from "react";
import MenuItem from "@material-ui/core/MenuItem";
import FormControl from "@material-ui/core/FormControl";
import ListItemText from "@material-ui/core/ListItemText";
import Select from "@material-ui/core/Select";

export default class renderFixedField extends Component {
  state = {
    availableOptions: [],
    selectedOptions: []

  componentWillMount = () => {
    const availableOptions = [
      { friendly: "code1", combined: "[c1] - (code1)" },
      { friendly: "code2", combined: "[c2] - (code2)" },
      { friendly: "code3", combined: "[c3] - (code3)" },
      { friendly: "code4", combined: "[c4] - (code4)" }

    const selectedOptions = [
      { friendly: "code1", combined: "[c1] - (code1)" },
      { friendly: "code2", combined: "[c2] - (code2)" }

      selectedOptions: selectedOptions

  handleChange = (event, values) => {
    const selectedOptions = event ? event.target.value : values;

    this.setState({ selectedOptions });

  menuItems = () => {
    const { availableOptions } = this.state;

    return availableOptions.map(optionName => {
      return (
        <MenuItem value={optionName}>
          <ListItemText primary={optionName.friendly} />

  render() {
    const { selectedOptions } = this.state;

    return (
          renderValue={() => selectedOptions.map(el => el.friendly).join(", ")}

Here is the code that Select uses to check if a selected value matches a MenuItem's value:

function areEqualValues(a, b) {
  if (typeof b === 'object' && b !== null) {
    return a === b;

  return String(a) === String(b);


Though objects are supported as values, in order for two objects to match, they must be the exact same object (a === b).

In your codesandbox example you have:

const defaultOptions = [
  { friendly: "code1", combined: "[c1] - (code1)" },
  { friendly: "code2", combined: "[c2] - (code2)" }

const availableOptions = [
  { friendly: "code1", combined: "[c1] - (code1)" },
  { friendly: "code2", combined: "[c2] - (code2)" },
  { friendly: "code3", combined: "[c3] - (code3)" },
  { friendly: "code4", combined: "[c4] - (code4)" }

That is 6 unique objects. The fact that the first two defaultOptions have equivalent content as the first two availableOptions is meaningless to the === check.

You can fix this by instead using the exact same objects such as the following:

const availableOptions = [
  { friendly: "code1", combined: "[c1] - (code1)" },
  { friendly: "code2", combined: "[c2] - (code2)" },
  { friendly: "code3", combined: "[c3] - (code3)" },
  { friendly: "code4", combined: "[c4] - (code4)" }

const defaultOptions = availableOptions.slice(0, 2);


08-14 02:32