


import scala.collection._

trait Foo[A, +This <: SortedSet[A] with SortedSetLike[A,This]]
extends SortedSetLike[A, This] { this: This =>

  def bar: This = (this: SortedSetLike[A,This]).empty



But if the upcast is removed it fails to compile:

import scala.collection._

trait Foo[A, +This <: SortedSet[A] with SortedSetLike[A,This]]
extends SortedSetLike[A, This] { this: This =>

  def bar: This = this.empty


为什么?从extends子句中我们知道FooSortedSetLike[A, This],因此向上转换当然是有效的-但是这不表明编译器允许发生冲突的继承吗?

Why? From the extends clause we know that Foo is a SortedSetLike[A, This], so the upcast is valid of course - but doesn't this show that the compiler has allowed conflicting inheritance to occur?


SortedSetLike 特性从 SetLike 继承了 empty 方法. >

The SortedSetLike trait inherits the empty method from SetLike.

/** The empty set of the same type as this set
* @return  an empty set of type `This`.
def empty: This

但是 SortedSet 会覆盖 empty 方法,并且具有显式的返回类型:

But SortedSet overrides the empty method and has an explicit return type:

/** Needs to be overridden in subclasses. */
override def empty: SortedSet[A] = SortedSet.empty[A]

由于您指定 SortedSet 的子类,因此编译器将找到 SortedSet empty 首先,它返回一个 SortedSet .编译器不知道如何将结果 SortedSet 转换为您的 This 子类.

Since you specify that This is a subclass of SortedSet the compiler will find SortedSet's implementation of empty first, which returns a SortedSet. The compiler does not know how to convert the resulting SortedSet to your This subclass.

但是,如果您转换为 SortedSetLike 特性,则编译器将找到其 empty 方法,该方法返回 This .

But if you upcast to the SortedSetLike trait the compiler will find its empty method which returns a This.


09-21 04:00