


With the introduction of generics, I am reluctant to perform instanceof or casting as much as possible. But I don't see a way around it in this scenario:

for (CacheableObject<ICacheable> cacheableObject : cacheableObjects) {
    ICacheable iCacheable = cacheableObject.getObject();
    if (iCacheable instanceof MyObject) {
        MyObject myObject = (MyObject) iCacheable;
        myObjects.put(myObject.getKey(), myObject);
    } else if (iCacheable instanceof OtherObject) {
        OtherObject otherObject = (OtherObject) iCacheable;
        otherObjects.put(otherObject.getKey(), otherObject);


In the above code, I know that my ICacheables should only ever be instances of MyObject, or OtherObject, and depending on this I want to put them into 2 separate maps and then perform some processing further down.


I'd be interested if there is another way to do this without my instanceof check.




You could use double invocation. No promises it's a better solution, but it's an alternative.

import java.util.HashMap;

public class Example {

    public static void main(String[] argv) {
        Example ex = new Example();
        ICacheable[] cacheableObjects = new ICacheable[]{new MyObject(), new OtherObject()};

        for (ICacheable iCacheable : cacheableObjects) {
            // depending on whether the object is a MyObject or an OtherObject,
            // the .put(Example) method will double dispatch to either
            // the put(MyObject) or  put(OtherObject) method, below

        System.out.println("myObjects: "+ex.myObjects.size());
        System.out.println("otherObjects: "+ex.otherObjects.size());

    private HashMap<String, MyObject> myObjects = new HashMap<String, MyObject>();
    private HashMap<String, OtherObject> otherObjects = new HashMap<String, OtherObject>();

    public Example() {


    public void put(MyObject myObject) {
        myObjects.put(myObject.getKey(), myObject);

    public void put(OtherObject otherObject) {
        otherObjects.put(otherObject.getKey(), otherObject);


interface ICacheable {
    public String getKey();
    public void put(Example ex);

class MyObject implements ICacheable {

    public String getKey() {
        return "MyObject"+this.hashCode();

    public void put(Example ex) {

class OtherObject implements ICacheable {

    public String getKey() {
       return "OtherObject"+this.hashCode();

    public void put(Example ex) {


这里的想法是 - 而不是铸造或使用 instanceof - 你调用 iCacheable 对象的 .put(...) 将自身传递回示例对象的重载方法的方法。调用哪种方法取决于该对象的类型。

The idea here is that - instead of casting or using instanceof - you call the iCacheable object's .put(...) method which passes itself back to the Example object's overloaded methods. Which method is called depends on the type of that object.

另请参阅。我的代码示例闻起来,因为 ICacheable.put(...)方法是不完整的 - 但使用访问者模式中定义的接口可以清除这种气味。

See also the Visitor pattern. My code example smells because the ICacheable.put(...) method is incohesive - but using the interfaces defined in the Visitor pattern can clean up that smell.

在Java中,覆盖总是在运行时绑定,但重载稍微复杂一点:动态调度意味着将选择方法的实现在运行时,但方法的签名仍然在编译时确定。 (查看了解更多信息,还可以查看本书第137页上的益智游戏制作哈希#href=\"http://www.javapuzzlers.com/\" rel=\"nofollow\"> Java Puzzlers 。)

In Java, overriding is always bound at runtime, but overloading is a little more complicated: dynamic dispatching means that the implementation of a method will be chosen at runtime, but the method's signature is nonetheless determined at compile time. (Check out the Java Language Specification, Chapter 8.4.9 for more info, and also check out the puzzler "Making a Hash of It" on page 137 of the book Java Puzzlers.)


08-14 02:00