

我正在学习C#,我很新,所以请原谅我这个看似愚蠢的问题。我在Java有一些经验,我注意到,C#程序也需要一个 main()方法在他们的主类。

I'm learning C# and I'm very new to it, so forgive me for the seemingly stupid question. I have some experience in Java, and I noticed that C# programs also need a main() method in their main class.


What if I want to create a class that isn't a main class, i.e. one that I import into a main class?

我试图这样做,当我编译(通过cmd使用 csc File.cs )它会做的.exe没有 main()方法。这是否意味着我错了,每个类需要一个 main()方法,或者我编译错误?

I tried to do that, and when I compile (via cmd using csc File.cs) the compiler says that the .exe that it will make has no main() method. Does that mean that I was wrong, and every class needs a main() method, or that I'm compiling it wrongly?


Maybe the problem's in the code (since I'm relying on my knowledge of Java syntax), which looks like this:

public class Class {
    int stuff;
    public Class(int stuff) {
        this.stuff = stuff;
    public void method() {


I'm afraid this is terribly misunderstood. I'm not asking if the file needs a main method, I'm asking how I can import this class into another class, because I realise that if I am to do this I can't have a main (as I said, I have some Java experience), but whenever I try to compile without one the compiler tells me that I need one.


as MSDN States

As MSDN States

用/ main编译器选项指定使用的Main方法作为
的入口点。 p>

There can only be one entry point in a C# program. If you have more than one class that has a Main method, you must compile your program with the /main compiler option to specify which Main method to use as the entry point.

只有一个类需要保留 Main 方法,该类充当应用程序的入口点。

Only one class need to keep the Main method, the class which acts as entry point of the application.

主方法的签名是: static void Main [] args) static void Main() static int Main(string [] args) static int Main()

The signature of the main method is : static void Main(string[] args) or static void Main() or static int Main(string[] args) or static int Main()


Check out this link for more details : Main() and Command-Line Arguments (C# Programming Guide)


public class MyClassName // changed the class name, avoid using the reserved keyword :P
    int stuff;
    public MyClassName(int stuff)  // is the constructor
        this.stuff = stuff;
    public void method()
        stuff = 1;


If you need to use that class, you can create a static class with main method:

class ProgramEntry

    static void Main(string[] args)

        MyClassName classInstance = new MyClassName(2);




08-14 01:41