




I have a short (~1 second) arbitrary sound file and two devices. At some unknown time, device 1 will play the sound file out of its speaker. Device 2 should then be able to detect that sound. There may be background noise. It's unknown how loud the sound will be played.


This feels like it should be a common solved problem, but searching for answers has left me with nothing.


If anyone has good a solution or could just point me in the right direction I'd be very grateful.



In most distance measurement and room impulse response measurement cases researches use Maximum length sequence (MLS) or sine sweep signals. These signals are played back and recorded. The recorded audio is used along with the inverted original signal to identify the presence of the played back audio. These MLS and sine sweep signals are very robust even in noisy environment. Each of them have their own advantages.

Microsoft家伙采用了一种类似的方法来播放设备中的声音并从另一设备中听到声音,以测量设备之间的距离. http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/BeepBeep/

A similar method of playing back sound in a device and hearing it from another device is done by the microsoft guys to measure the distance between the devices- http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/BeepBeep/

您可以使用此MATLAB包 http://www.commsp.ee.ic.ac.uk/~mrt102/projects/mls.html

You can play around with the MLS sequence using this MATLAB package http://www.commsp.ee.ic.ac.uk/~mrt102/projects/mls.html


08-14 01:17