

本文介绍了简单的WAV 16位/8位转换器源代码?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


有人可以给我提供一个简单的WAV 16位到8位(如果可能的话,还可以返回)转换器的源代码(最好是C/C ++)的链接吗?我具有C ++的基本知识,并且需要有一个资源来理解wav编写和转换新项目的值.目前,我有一个关于RIFF块结构的讲座.

could someone provide me a link to source code (preferably C/C++) of a simple WAV 16-bit to 8-bit (and back if possible) converter? I have basic knowledge of C++ and I need to have a resource to understand wav writing and converting values for my new project. At this moment I have a lecture about RIFF chunks structure.


Also any formulas for converting values between different bit depths (also these un standard) appreciated...


I'll prefer it to be simple and command line so I can edit it with notepad and easily compile.




For reading and writing WAV files have a look at the specification:


For converting between 8 and 16 bit you just need to divide or multiply by 256.
For example (converting from 16 to 8 bit in C):

  • 使用fopen()打开16位文件和(尚不存在)8位文件.
  • 根据规范,您读取了16位文件的开头,并写入了8位文件的开头.
  • 然后对每个样本执行以下操作:
  • You open the 16 bit file and the (not yet existent) 8 bit file using fopen().
  • You read the beginning of the 16 bit file and write the beginning of the 8 bit file according to the specification.
  • Then you do the following for each sample:
    int sample = 0;
    // read 2 bytes (= 16 bits) from the 16 bit file into sample:
    fread (&sample, 2, 1, wav_file_16bit);
    sample /= 256; // divide sample by 256
    // write 1 byte (= 8 bits) to the 8 bit file:
    fwrite (&sample, 1, 1, wav_file_8bit);

  • 别忘了关闭文件.
  • 如果您需要更多具体信息,请询问.

    If you need more specific information please ask.

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08-14 01:12