本文介绍了UWP App无法启动的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个UWP应用.我正在使用Visual Studio 2017 15.4.1. UWP应用程序是一种商店应用程序,已部署到Microsoft Store.我的应用程序在商店中运行良好,并且在Visual Studio中播放时也运行良好.然后最近发生了一个孤立的存储问题,因此我进入应用程序和功能"中的应用程序,然后单击高级选项->重置.不知何故,这炸毁了我在计算机上安装的应用.我们的应用程序不再显示为已安装的应用程序,当我尝试从商店中安装该应用程序时,出现错误,代码为0x80073CF9.因此,我无法卸载或在计算机上重新安装.我试过运行sfc/scannow等,以找出问题所在,但似乎无济于事.

I have a UWP app. I'm using Visual Studio 2017 15.4.1. The UWP app is a store app and has been deployed to the Microsoft Store. My app was working fine in the store, and it was also working fine when I hit play in Visual Studio. Then recently, an isolated storage issue started occurring so I went in to the app in "Apps & Features" and hit Advanced Options -> Reset. Somehow this has fried my app installation on my machine. Our app no longer shows up as an installed app, and when I try to install the app from the store, I get an error with a code of 0x80073CF9. So, I can't uninstall, or reinstall on my machine. I've tried running sfc /scannow etc. to find out what's wrong, but nothing seems to help.

这甚至不会让我担心太多,但是我现在甚至无法开发,因为当我尝试从Visual Studio运行应用程序时,会出现以下错误:

This wouldn't even worry me too much, but I can't even develop right now because when I try to run the app from Visual Studio, I get this error:


I'm getting this error in the output window from the build



您可以使用Get-appxpackage -allusers *<appname>* | Remove-AppxPackage

所有用户 选项在这里很重要.

The allusers option is important here.

您还可以尝试在 C:\ Users \\ AppData \ Local \ Packages \ 中手动删除应用程序缓存文件夹的内容.如果此处有一个锁定文件,则整个部署将失败.

You can also try to manually remove the content of the application cache folder in C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Packages\. If you have one locked file here, the whole deployment will fail.

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08-14 00:35