




I have a dataset from which I need to count all row occurrences grouping by each day and sum them into a dataset of following format:

|     date     |  count  |
|  2001-01-01  |    11   |
|  2001-01-02  |    0    |
|  2001-01-03  |    4    |


The problem is, that some of the data is missing from certain periods of time and new dates should be created to have the count of zero. I have searched various topics considering this same issue and from them I've learned that it's possible to solve by creating a temporary calendar table to hold all the dates and join the result dataset with the date table.

不过,我对正在使用的数据库只有读取权限,因此我无法创建单独的日历表.那么这是否可以仅在单个查询中解决?如果没有,我总是可以在 PHP 中做到这一点,但我更喜欢更直接的方式来做到这一点.

Though, I have only a read access to the database I'm using, so it's not possible for me to create a separate calendar table. So could this be possible to solve in a single query only? If not, I could always do this in PHP but I would prefer a more straighforward way to do this.


Just to clarify based on the questions asked in the comments: The missing dates are required for a spesific, user given time frame. E.g. the query could be:

SELECT date(timestamp), count(distinct(id))
FROM 'table'
WHERE date(timestamp) BETWEEN date("2001-01-01") AND date("2001-12-31")
GROUP BY date(timestamp)


SQL 真的不是为这种工作制作的 :/


That's possible but really really messy and I strongly discourage you from doing it.


The easiest way was to have a separate calendar table but as you said you only have a read access to your database.


The other one is to generate the sequence using this kind of trick:

SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 rownum, t.*FROM (SELECT @rownum:=0) r, ("yourquery") t;


I won't get into it, as I already told you, it's really ugly :(


08-13 23:56