



最近我转移到MongoDB Web应用程序的后端部分,Web应用程序本身就是一个验证工具,工作流程如下所示:

  • 用户上传文件(通常是数十万行)

  • 验证器检查它输出大量消息(可能每行多于一行) li>
  • ...最后提供一些统计资料


  • 该文件(通过GridFS保存)

  • 包含消息的集合(在某些情况下可能超过一百万行)

  • 具有统计资料的集合

我们有几百个用户,所以 MongoDB最终会有几百个DB

当然我可以拥有所有的数据在同一个数据库中,使用命名空间分隔来自不同用户的数据。然而,我觉得在连接URI中发送DB很方便,我发现更直观地发出一个drop database语句来清除用户,而不是在大型数据库中搜索和删除其数据。





尽管如此,我认为在每个记录中放置用户ID而不是创建一个简单的一般一个单独的数据库。单独数据库的收益是多少?好的,删除用户意思是说drop database。但是从单个数据库中删除用户应该意味着从tableX中删除user =?;从tableY中删除user =?等等,然而你有许多相关的表。我不能想象它是数百,对吧?也许有六十行代码呢?

I have recently moved to MongoDB part of the back-end of a web app, the web app itself is a validation tool, and the workflow looks like:

  • the user uploads a file (typically hundreds of thousands of lines)
  • the validator checks it outputting a lot of messages (possibly more than one per line)
  • ...and finally provide a few statistics

I modelled my application so that each user has it's own DB containing:

  • The file (saved through GridFS)
  • A collection containing the messages (possibly over a million lines, in some cases)
  • A collection with the statistics

We have a few hundreds of users, so MongoDB will end up having a few hundreds DBs.

Of course I could have hold all the data in the same DB, using namespaces to separate data from different users. However I felt it was handy to send the DB in the connection URI, and I found more intuitive to issue a "drop database" statement to purge a user, rather than searching and removing its data in the large DB.

I am pretty new to MongoDB, so my question is: is there any drawback in having several DBs in the same MongoDB instance? Or is there any special consideration that I should give to the problem?


I'm not familiar with MongoDB specifically. In general, openning a connection to a database is a relatively slow operation and ties up system resources. Whether this is enough to matter in your case I can't say.

Having a different db for each user would make it difficult to perform queries that access data for multiple users. Maybe you have no need to do this.

Still, I would think it would be a whole lot simpler in general to just put a user id in each record rather than create a separate database. What's the gain of separate databases? Okay, deleting a user means saying "drop database". But deleting a user from a single database should mean saying "delete from tableX where user=?; delete from tableY where user=?" etc for however many relevant tables you have. I can't imagine it's hundreds, right? Maybe half a dozen lines of code or so?


08-13 23:15