本文介绍了体面的简单 SQL Server 客户端的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


有谁知道一个非常简单的 SQL Server 客户端工具 - 它具有与 Management Studio 相同的基本功能(即选择一个数据库并运行查询 - 不需要对象资源管理器或任何花哨的东西)?

does anyone know of a very simple SQL Server client tool - that does the same basic functions as Management Studio (i.e. choose a database and run a query - doesn't need an Object Explorer, or anything fancy)?

理想情况下,最好有一个 exe 或 zip 文件版本,我可以在 USB 密钥上随身携带 - 避免一直安装全套 SQL Server 客户端工具的任何东西

Ideally it would be great to have a single exe or zip file version that I could take around on a USB key - anything to avoid installing the full set of SQL Server client tools all the time


Mini SQL Query...



如果您遇到错误,请在https://github.com/paulkohler/minisqlquery/issues 而不是向堆栈溢出发送反对票,这对开源项目没有帮助!过多年来,我设法重现并修复了大多数错误,其中一些是通过 codeplex 记录的,许多通过电子邮件 - 有些更难诊断和修复,因为没有相同的平台设置,甚至堆栈跟踪数据库类型是一种帮助.

If you are having errors, log an issue athttps://github.com/paulkohler/minisqlquery/issues rather thansending a down-vote to stack-overflow, that won't help the open source project! Over theyears I have managed to reproduce and fix most errors, several of them are logged via codeplex,many by email - some are harder to diagnose and fix due to not having the same platform setup but even a stack trace withthe DB type is a help.

PK :-)

  • 下载大约 2mb(现在默认包含 SQLite)
  • 连接到 SQL Server(或许多其他支持 ADO.NET 提供程序的数据库,例如 Access、SQLite 甚至 Excel 文件等)
  • 至少需要 .NET v3.5 才能运行
  • 支持基本的SQL语法高亮
  • 可以导出数据并创建插入数据脚本
  • 可以运行 USB 驱动器
  • 有一个数据库检查员"
  • 有一个快速表格查看器"
  • 包含简单的语句生成
  • 有一个内置的代码生成器"
    • It's a about 2mb download (SQLite is included by default now)
    • Connects to SQL Server (or many other ADO.NET provider enabled databases such as Access, SQLite or even Excel files etc)
    • Requires .NET v3.5 as a minimum to run
    • Supports basic SQL Syntax highlighting
    • Can export data and create insert data scripts
    • Can run off USB drive
    • Has an 'Database Inspector'
    • Has a 'quick table viewer'
    • Contains simple statement generation
    • Has an inbuilt 'code generator'
    • 官方工具简介:

      Mini SQL Query 是一款适用于多个数据库(MSSQL、MSSQL CE、SQLite、OLEDB、MS Access/Excel 文件等)的简约 SQL 查询工具.该工具使用一个利用 ADO.NET 提供程序的通用架构引擎.Mini SQL Query 也可以通过插件轻松扩展.

      它出现的全部原因是需要在访问很少、链接速度慢、可以使用 USB 密钥等运行的远程机器上运行查询;-)

      The whole reason it came about was the need to run queries on remote machines with little access, slow links, can run off a USB key etc etc ;-)

      PK :-)

      这篇关于体面的简单 SQL Server 客户端的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-13 23:05