

本文介绍了您能否使气泡大小和颜色取决于 icCube amChart 小部件中的 MDX 度量?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试在 icCube 中制作一个动态图表,其中气泡根据 MDX 结果集中的特定数据字段调整大小和颜色.

示例 MDX 结果集:(为简单起见,x/y 坐标已被删除):

 数量颜色子弹大小瑞士 100 #0000FF 10西班牙 120 #FF0000 12NL 70 #00FF00 7

我现在不知道如何在 icCube 的 amChart 小部件中执行此操作,但我知道可以在 amCharts 本身中执行此操作.例如,您可以在 amCharts 编辑器中设置以下属性:

  • Alpha 字段、项目符号字段、项目符号大小字段、说明字段、填充颜色字段、标签颜色字段、线条颜色字段等(有关更多信息,请参阅 amCharts 实时编辑器).


icCube 网络报告中是否可以执行此操作,如果可以,如何执行?



:{图表:[{xField: "your_x_field",yField: "your_y_field",值字段:金额",bulletSizeField: "子弹尺寸",子弹:圆形",颜色字段:颜色"}]}


I am trying to make a dynamic chart in icCube, in which bubbles are sized and colored in accordance with a specific data field in the MDX result set.

Example MDX result set:(the x/y coordinates have been removed for the sake of simplicity):

        amount  color     bullet size
Swiss    100    #0000FF       10
Spain    120    #FF0000       12
NL       70     #00FF00        7

I do not know how to do this now in the amChart widget in icCube, but I know it is possible to do this in amCharts itself. You can set for example the following attributes in the amCharts editor:

  • Alpha field, Bullet field, Bullet size field, Description field, Fill colors field, Label color field, Line color field, ... etc (see for more in the amCharts live editor).

Enclosed a sample chart with two series, in which one has colored bubbles:example

Is it possible in icCube web reporting to do this, and if so, how?


Yes you can, just you have to write the following into the "Extra Options" field:

        xField: "your_x_field",
        yField: "your_y_field",
        valueField: "amount",
        bulletSizeField: "bullet size",
        bullet : "round",
        colorField: "color"

Note that, your graphs defined above will be overwritten by this one, you have to specify here all the graph settings.

这篇关于您能否使气泡大小和颜色取决于 icCube amChart 小部件中的 MDX 度量?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-13 22:49