What is the difference between WITH
clause and subquery?
1. WITH table_name as ( ... )
2. select *
from ( select curr from tableone t1
left join tabletwo t2
on (t1.empid = t2.empid)
) as temp_table
clause is for subquery factoring, also known as common table expressions or CTEs:
In your second example, what you've called temp_table
is an inline view, not a temporary table.
In many cases the choice of which to use comes down to your preferred style, and CTEs can make code more readable particularly with multiple levels of subqueries (opinions vary of course). If you only refer to the CTE/inline view once you probably won't see any difference in performance, and the optimiser may end up with the same plan.
They are particularly useful though when you need to use the same subquery in more than one place, such as in a union. You can pull an inline view out into a CTE so the code isn't repeated, and it allows the optimiser to materialize it if it thinks that would be beneficial.
For example, this contrived example:
select curr from (
select curr from tableone t1
left join tabletwo t2 on (t1.empid = t2.empid)
) temp_table
where curr >= 0
union all
select -1 * curr from (
select curr from tableone t1
left join tabletwo t2 on (t1.empid = t2.empid)
) temp_table
where curr < 0
with temp_table as (
select curr from tableone t1
left join tabletwo t2 on (t1.empid = t2.empid)
select curr from temp_table
where curr >= 0
union all
select -1 * curr from temp_table
where curr < 0
子查询不再需要重复.重复的代码越复杂,从维护的角度来看,使用CTE越有好处.而且,子查询越昂贵,使用CTE就可以使您 看到更多的性能优势,尽管优化器通常通常很擅长弄清您正在做什么.
The subquery no longer has to be repeated. The more complicated the repeated code is, the more beneficial it is from a maintenance point of view to use a CTE. And the more expensive the subquery is the more performance benefit you could see from using a CTE, though the optimiser is usually pretty good at figuring out what you're doing anyway.