



我正在尝试在 graphql 查询中插入先前定义的变量,但除了在查询文本之外创建变量然后使用变量发出请求之外,我无法找到任何示例说明如何做到这一点.

I am trying to insert previously defined variable inside graphql query but I'm not able to find any example on how to do that except creating variables outside of query text and then making request with variables.


There is one problem for me for example in this example

queries: [{type: TERM, match: EQUAL, field: "fieldOne", value: "#(id)"},
          {type: TERM, match: EQUAL, field: "fieldTwo", value: null}]

我只想为 graphql 查询中的第一个对象插入值 #(id).任何人都可以为我提供一些示例或有关如何做到这一点的任何建议吗?

I want to insert value #(id) only for the first object in graphql query. Can anyone please provide some example for me or any suggestions on how to do that?



Alright I was thinking that it will be possible to directly replace text inside query, but I found solution from karate documentation with.

queries: [{type: TERM, match: EQUAL, field: "fieldOne", value: "<id>"},
      {type: TERM, match: EQUAL, field: "fieldTwo", value: null}]

将 id 括在尖括号中的查询文本内 <>然后通过调用将查询中的 id 替换为存储在变量 id 中的 id

enclose id inside query text in angle brackets <> and then replace id inside query with id stored in variable id by calling

* replace query.id = id


08-13 22:34