Microsoft 的 System.Xml.XPath nuget-package 可用于 .NET 4.6,声称支持 XPath 1.0 和 2.0.De 文档 说描述命名空间:
Microsofts System.Xml.XPath nuget-package, available for .NET 4.6, claims to support XPath 1.0 and 2.0. De documentation says descibes the namespace:
System.Xml.XPath 命名空间包含定义用于导航和编辑 XML 信息项作为 XQuery 1.0 和 XPath 2.0 数据模型实例的游标模型的类.
在升级 Visual Studio、升级和我所有的项目到框架版本 4.6 之后,我仍然无法让最简单的 XPath-2.0 for-expression 工作.根据规范,它们应该可以工作.
After upgrading Visual Studio, upgrading and all my projects to framework version 4.6 I still can't get the simplest XPath-2.0 for-expression to work. According to the specification, they should work.
我无法想象微软声称支持它实际上不支持的东西,所以很明显我做错了.如何正确使用 XPath2 查询?
I can't imagine Microsoft claiming to support something it actually doesn't, so obviously I'm doing something wrong. How do I correctly use an XPath2 query?
public void TestXPath2()
// The System.Xml.XPath namespace contains the classes that define a cursor model for navigating and editing XML information items as instances of the
// XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model.
var expression = "for $x in /Root/Foo/Bar return $x";
var compiledExpression = System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression.Compile(expression);
// throws XPathException: "for ... has an invalid token"
P.S.What I actually want, is to get something like this to work:
public void TestLibraryForCustomer1()
string xmlFromMessage = @"<Library>
<Writer ID=""writer1""><Name>Shakespeare</Name></Writer>
<Writer ID=""writer2""><Name>Tolkien</Name></Writer>
<Book><WriterRef REFID=""writer1"" /><Title>King Lear</Title></Book>
<Book><WriterRef REFID=""writer2"" /><Title>The Hobbit</Title></Book>
<Book><WriterRef REFID=""writer2"" /><Title>Lord of the Rings</Title></Book>
var titleXPathFromConfigurationFile = "./Title";
var writerXPathFromConfigurationFile = "for $curr in . return /Library/Writer[@ID=$curr/WriterRef/@REFID]/Name";
var library = ExtractBooks(xmlFromMessage, titleXPathFromConfigurationFile, writerXPathFromConfigurationFile).ToDictionary(b => b.Key, b => b.Value);
Assert.AreEqual("Shakespeare", library["King Lear"]);
Assert.AreEqual("Tolkien", library["The Hobbit"]);
Assert.AreEqual("Tolkien", library["Lord of the Rings"]);
public void TestLibraryForCustomer2()
string xmlFromMessage = @"<Library>
<Writer ID=""writer1"">
<Book><Title>Sonnet 18</Title></Book>
<Writer ID=""writer2"">
<Book><Title>The Hobbit</Title></Book>
<Book><Title>Lord of the Rings</Title></Book>
var titleXPathFromConfigurationFile = "./Title";
var writerXPathFromConfigurationFile = "../Name";
var library = ExtractBooks(xmlFromMessage, titleXPathFromConfigurationFile, writerXPathFromConfigurationFile).ToDictionary(b => b.Key, b => b.Value);
Assert.AreEqual("Shakespeare", library["Sonnet 18"]);
Assert.AreEqual("Tolkien", library["The Hobbit"]);
Assert.AreEqual("Tolkien", library["Lord of the Rings"]);
public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string,string>> ExtractBooks(string xml, string titleXPath, string writerXPath)
var library = XDocument.Parse(xml);
foreach(var book in library.Descendants().Where(d => d.Name == "Book"))
var title = book.XPathSelectElement(titleXPath).Value;
var writer = book.XPathSelectElement(writerXPath).Value;
yield return new KeyValuePair<string, string>(title, writer);
Tomalek 指出正确:
Tomalek pointed out correctly:
- .NET(在 System.Xml.XPath 中)不支持 XPath 2.0,期间
- 数据模型和查询语言是分开的.
所以我使用第三方 XPath 2 库解决了这个问题,XPath2 nuget 包.这允许像
So I solved it by using a third party XPath 2 library, The XPath2 nuget package. This allows for expressions like
for $c in . return ../Writer[@ID=$c/WriterRef/@REFID]/Name
Note that I needed to use a relative path from book to writer. This does not work:
# does not work due to the absolute path
for $c in . return /Library/Writer[@ID=$c/WriterRef/@REFID]/Name
供将来参考:此代码在安装 nuget 包后有效:
For future reference: this code works after installing the nuget pacage:
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Wmhelp.XPath2;
namespace My.Library
public class WmhelpTests
public void LibraryTest()
string xmlFromMessage = @"<Library>
<Writer ID=""writer1""><Name>Shakespeare</Name></Writer>
<Writer ID=""writer2""><Name>Tolkien</Name></Writer>
<Book><WriterRef REFID=""writer1"" /><Title>King Lear</Title></Book>
<Book><WriterRef REFID=""writer2"" /><Title>The Hobbit</Title></Book>
<Book><WriterRef REFID=""writer2"" /><Title>Lord of the Rings</Title></Book>
var titleXPathFromConfigurationFile = "./Title";
var writerXPathFromConfigurationFile = "for $curr in . return ../Writer[@ID=$curr/WriterRef/@REFID]/Name";
var library = ExtractBooks(xmlFromMessage, titleXPathFromConfigurationFile, writerXPathFromConfigurationFile).ToDictionary(b => b.Key, b => b.Value);
Assert.AreEqual("Shakespeare", library["King Lear"]);
Assert.AreEqual("Tolkien", library["The Hobbit"]);
Assert.AreEqual("Tolkien", library["Lord of the Rings"]);
public void TestLibraryForCustomer2()
string xmlFromMessage = @"<Library>
<Writer ID=""writer1"">
<Book><Title>Sonnet 18</Title></Book>
<Writer ID=""writer2"">
<Book><Title>The Hobbit</Title></Book>
<Book><Title>Lord of the Rings</Title></Book>
var titleXPathFromConfigurationFile = "./Title";
var writerXPathFromConfigurationFile = "../Name";
var library = ExtractBooks(xmlFromMessage, titleXPathFromConfigurationFile, writerXPathFromConfigurationFile).ToDictionary(b => b.Key, b => b.Value);
Assert.AreEqual("Shakespeare", library["Sonnet 18"]);
Assert.AreEqual("Tolkien", library["The Hobbit"]);
Assert.AreEqual("Tolkien", library["Lord of the Rings"]);
public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> ExtractBooks(string xml, string titleXPath, string writerXPath)
var library = XDocument.Parse(xml);
foreach (var book in library.Descendants().Where(d => d.Name == "Book"))
var title = book.XPath2SelectElement(titleXPath).Value;
var writer = book.XPath2SelectElement(writerXPath).Value;
yield return new KeyValuePair<string, string>(title, writer);
这篇关于在 System.Xml.XPath 中启用 XPath2 查询(XPathException: invalid token)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!