本文介绍了Ansible 将多个任务的输出写入单个文件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 Ansible 中,我编写了一个 Yaml 剧本,其中包含主机名列表和每个主机的执行命令.我已经为这些任务注册了一个变量,并在执行任务结束时将每个命令的输出附加到一个文件中.但是每次我尝试附加到我的输出文件时,只有最后一条记录被持久化.

In Ansible, I have written an Yaml playbook that takes list of host name and the executes command for each host. I have registered a variable for these task and at the end of executing a task I append output of each command to a single file.But every time I try to append to my output file, only the last record is getting persisted.

- hosts: list_of_hosts
  become_user: some user
    output: []
    - name: some name
      command: some command
      register: output
      failed_when: "'FAILED' in output"
    - debug: msg="{{output | to_nice_json}}"
    - local_action: copy content='{{output | to_nice_json}}' dest="/path/to/my/local/file"

我什至尝试使用 insertafter 参数使用 lineinfile 进行追加,但没有成功.有什么我遗漏的吗?

I even tried to append using lineinfile using insertafter parameter yet was not successful.Anything that I am missing?



- name: dummy
  hosts: myhosts
  serial: 1
    - name: create file
        dest: /tmp/foo
        state: touch
      delegate_to: localhost

    - name: run cmd
      shell: echo "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
      register: op

    - name: append
        dest: /tmp/foo
        line: "{{ op }}"
        insertafter: EOF
      delegate_to: localhost

我使用了 serial: 1 因为我不确定 lineinfile 并行运行的任务是否会导致输出文件出现乱码.

I have used serial: 1 as I am not sure if lineinfile tasks running in parallel will garble the output file.

这篇关于Ansible 将多个任务的输出写入单个文件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-01 17:21