



我有更新查询,虽然我传递的是datetime值,我已经使用cDate将字符串转换为datetime,但问题是当我传递空值时它通过错误,如何在Ms access


I have update query though which i am passing datetime value , i have use cDate to convert string to datetime , but problem is when i pass null values it throughs error , how to pass null values into datetime datatype in Ms access

this is my code

Dim iresult1 As Integer = UtilityClass.ProcessData("update PM11 SET PCODE='" & txtPcode.Text & "' ,PNAME='" & txtPartyName.Text & "',AUTMOB='" & txtAutMob.Text & "',ADD1='" & txtAdd1.Text & "',ADD2='" & txtAdd2.Text & "',ADD3='" & txtAdd3.Text & "',CITY='" & txtCity.Text & "',PHNO='" & txtPHNO.Text & "',PIN='" & txtPin.Text & "',PNAME1='" & txtPName1.Text & "',PNAME2='" & txtPName2.Text & "',QNAME1='" & txtQName1.Text & "',RADD1='" & txtRADD1.Text & "',RADD2='" & txtRADD2.Text & "',RCITY='" & TXTRCITY.Text & "',DOB= CDate(IIf(Isnull( '" & txtDOB.Text & "'),Null,'" & txtDOB.Text & "')),AREACODE='" & txtArea.Text & "',DOAN='" & txtAnvDate.Text & "',BLDGRP='" & txtBdgroup.Text & "',RDGNO='" & txtRdbNo.Text & "',MST='" & txtMST.Text & "',CST='" & txtCST.Text & "',LICEXDATE=CDate(IIf(Isnull('" & txtLicXdate.Text & "'),"null",'" & txtLicXdate.Text & "')),PMLDATE='" & txtFreePaidUptoDt.Text & "',DLICNO20='" & txtlicNo20.Text & "',DLICNO21='" & txtLicNo21.Text & "',DLICNO20C='" & txtLicNo20C.Text & "',DLICNO20B='" & txtLicNo20B.Text & "',DLICNO21B='" & txtLicN021B.Text & "',DLICNO20D='" & txtLicNo20D.Text & "',SCODE='" & type & "' ,email_id='" & Trim(txtemail.Text) & "' WHERE PCODE='" & txtPcode.Text & "'")



日期值必须根据ODBC规范日期格式分隔或由日期时间分隔符(#)分隔。否则,Microsoft Access会将该值视为算术表达式,不会引发警告或错误。

例如,日期1996年3月5日必须是代表{d'1996-03-05'}或#03/05/1996#;否则,如果仅提交03/05/1993,Microsoft Access将评估为3除以5除以1996.此值向上舍入为整数0,并且由于零日映射到1899-12-31,这是使用的日期。

Date values must be either delimited according to the ODBC canonical date format or delimited by the datetime delimiter ("#"). Otherwise, Microsoft Access will treat the value as an arithmetic expression and will not raise a warning or error.

For example, the date "March 5, 1996" must be represented as {d '1996-03-05'} or #03/05/1996#; otherwise, if only 03/05/1993 is submitted, Microsoft Access will evaluate this as 3 divided by 5 divided by 1996. This value rounds up to the integer 0, and since the zero day maps to 1899-12-31, this is the date used.


08-13 22:03