本文介绍了LINQ to XML查询是否可以实现???的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在底部,我粘贴了一个正在使用的XML文件.我的目标是使用LINQ to XML查询此文件,并将响应格式设置为:

reportDate            alias24        alias39
2009-05-27        138,385.11     2,026.49
2009-05-28        138,535.98      2,233.74
2009-05-29        138,825.29      2,637.20


2009-05-27   0
2009-05-27  1
2009-05-28   0
2009-05-28  1
2009-05-29   0
2009-05-29  1


任何LINQ to XML专家都可以帮上忙吗? br>
< FlexQueryResponse queryName ="TestingXML" type ="AF">
< Message>该语句不包括以下帐户:U69</Message>
< FlexStatements count ="0">
< FlexStatement accountId ="U24"从日期="20090501"至日期="20090529">
< AccountInformation acctAlias ="alias24" accountId ="U24"/>
< EquitySummaryInBase< E> ; EquitySummaryByReportDateInBase reportDate ="2009-05-27" total ="138,385.11"/>
< EquitySummaryByReportDateInBase reportDate ="2009-05-28" total ="138,535.98"/>
< EquitySummaryByReportDateInBase reportDate = "2009-05-29" total ="138,825.29"/>

</FlexStatement>< FlexStatement accountId ="U39" fromDate ="20090501" toDate ="20090529>
< Accoun tInformation acctAlias ="alias39" accountId ="U39"/>
< EquitySummaryInBase>
< EquitySummaryByReportDateInBase reportDate ="2009-05-27" total ="2,026.49"/>
< EquitySummaryByReport reportDate ="2009-05-28" total ="2,233.74"/>
< EquitySummaryByReportDateInBase reportDate ="2009-05-29" total ="2,637.20"/>


At the bottom I have pasted in an XML file I am working with.   My goal is to query this file using LINQ to XML and have the response formatted as follows:

reportDate            alias24         alias39
2009-05-27         138,385.11      2,026.49
2009-05-28         138,535.98      2,233.74
2009-05-29         138,825.29      2,637.20

As you can see, I basically just want the total column for each account listed side by side. However, I''m not sure how to do this.   The closest I''ve been able to come is getting something that looks like this (with the 0 being the enumerated value given to the first alias and 1 being
the enumerated value given to the second alias).

2009-05-27   0
2009-05-27   1
2009-05-28   0
2009-05-28   1
2009-05-29   0
2009-05-29   1

But I''m not sure how I would combine the rows for each date...and then have the total listed.

Can any LINQ to XML gurus out there help?

Here''s the file...
<FlexQueryResponse queryName="TestingXML" type="AF">
<Message>The following accounts were excluded from this statement: U69</Message>
<FlexStatements count="0">
<FlexStatement accountId="U24" fromDate="20090501" toDate="20090529">
<AccountInformation acctAlias="alias24" accountId="U24" />
<EquitySummaryByReportDateInBase reportDate="2009-05-27" total="138,385.11" />
<EquitySummaryByReportDateInBase reportDate="2009-05-28" total="138,535.98" />
<EquitySummaryByReportDateInBase reportDate="2009-05-29" total="138,825.29" />

</FlexStatement><FlexStatement accountId="U39" fromDate="20090501" toDate="20090529">
<AccountInformation acctAlias="alias39" accountId="U39" />
<EquitySummaryByReportDateInBase reportDate="2009-05-27" total="2,026.49" />
<EquitySummaryByReportDateInBase reportDate="2009-05-28" total="2,233.74" />
<EquitySummaryByReportDateInBase reportDate="2009-05-29" total="2,637.20" />



var flatteningQuery = from statement in doc.Root.Element("FlexStatements").Descendants("FlexStatement")
                      from summary in statement.Element("EquitySummaryInBase").Descendants("EquitySummaryByReportDateInBase")
                      select new
                          Alias = statement.Element("AccountInformation").Attribute("acctAlias").Value,
                          Date = summary.Attribute("reportDate").Value,
                          Total = summary.Attribute("total").Value


Then, you can group the result from the previous query for each date, getting the list of all alias-total pair corresponding to report dates:

var groupedQuery = from row in flatteningQuery
                   group row by row.Date into dateGroup
                   select new
                       Date = dateGroup.Key,
                       Values = from item in dateGroup
                                select new
                                    Alias = item.Alias,
                                    Total = item.Total

这篇关于LINQ to XML查询是否可以实现???的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-13 21:24