

我正在尝试实现一个具有如下图形视图的网格视图.我浏览了各种博客和 S.O 问题,不幸的是我无法为一个特定的网格项目提供行和列跨度,并且网格视图也不支持此功能.而且我不想创建带有其他视图的动态滚动视图,因为有很多数据并且会导致性能问题.所以如果有人有任何建议.请回复 .提前致谢.

i am trying to implement a grid view which has the Graphical view as follows. I have gone through various blogs and S.O questions, and unfortunately i am not able to provide a row and column span to one particular grid item and grid view also does not support this feature.And i don't want to create Dynamic Scroll View with other views in between as the there is a lot of data and it causes performance issues.So if any one have any suggestions. Please reply .Thanks in advance.


您是否打算为可滚动视图重复该模式?更清楚的是,您的跨度大的 Grid 项目是否定期重复?

Do you intend to repeat the pattern for your scrollable view? To be more clear, does your Grid item with large span repeat at regular intervals?


One option would be to use a list view and implement your large span view with two normal views as one row of the list view with a tag such as "special_row" and implement regular views as another row with tag like "normal row". Based on the requirement you can recycle the rows by accessing the row tags.

我找到了一个库,它为 android 实现了类似 UI 的 pinterest.这里面有一个对称的观点.结帐 PinterestLisView.

I found a library that implements pinterest like UI for android. This has a symmetric views in it. Checkout PinterestLisView.

这里是另一种有趣的技术,它为网格项目指定了 coulmn span 和 row spans.我取自这个问题.我想您可以通过以编程方式指定列和行跨度来取消网格项的静态 xml 声明.

Here is another interesting technique by specifying coulmn span and row spans for the grid items. I took from this question. I guess you can do away with the static xml declaration of grid items by programmatically specifying column and row spans.


08-31 01:08